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Determination of critical submergence depth at horizontal intakes under asymmetric flow conditions
Göğüş, Mustafa
Köken, Mete
Haspolat, Emre
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The purpose of the present study is to investigate the hydraulic conditions of air-entraining vortices under asymmetrical flow conditions and derive a general expression to determine the critical submergence depth required for the formation of these vortices at horizontal intake pipes. A series of experiments were conducted in a model composed of a concrete reservoir and intake pipe which was mounted horizontally to the reservoir. Three pipes of different diameters were tested with adjustable plexiglass side walls to investigate the effect of side-wall clearances on the critical submergence depth. Based on the experimental results obtained from a wide range of side-wall clearances and discharges, empirical equations for the critical submergence depth were derived and compared with Gordon's (1970) relationship.
Subject Keywords
Horizontal intakes
Air-entraining vortices
Asymmetric flow condition
Critical submergence depth
Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Conference / Seminar
Formation of air-entraining vortices at horizontal intakes without approach flow induced circulation
Göğüş, Mustafa; Köken, Mete (2016-02-01)
The aim of this experimental study is to investigate the effects of hydraulic parameters on the formation of air-entraining vortices at horizontal intake structures without approach flow induced circulation. Six intake pipes of different diameters were tested in the study. The intake pipe to be tested was horizontally mounted to the front side of a large reservoir and then for a wide range of discharges experiments were conducted and critical submergences were detected with adjustable approach channel sidew...
Effect of approach channel shape on theformation of vortices at single-horizontal intakes
Sönmez, Can Metin; Göğüş, Mustafa; Department of Civil Engineering (2019)
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Determination of critical submergence depth at horizontal intakes
Haspolat, Emre; Göğüş, Mustafa; Köken, Mete; Department of Civil Engineering (2015)
The purpose of the study is to investigate the formation of air entraining vortices under both symmetrical and asymmetrical approach flow conditions in an experimental setup of a horizontal water intake structure composed of a reservoir-pipe system. To determine at which critical submergence the air entraining vortices forming; a series of experiments were conducted in the experimental setup with horizontal pipes of four different diameters. Approach channel side walls of the intake structure model are adju...
Investigation of critical submergence at single and multiple- horizontal intake structures having air- entraining vortices
Gökmener, Serkan; Göğüş, Mustafa; Department of Civil Engineering (2015)
In this experimental study the variation of the critical submergence of air- entraining vortices with important flow and geometrical parameters were investigated at single and multiple- horizontal intake structures. In the scope of this study, three identical pipes of diameter Di=0.265 m were tested at a wide range of discharge with varying side wall clearances under symmetrical and asymmetrical approach flow conditions. Using dimensional analysis dimensionless equation was developed for critical submergenc...
Estimation of Critical Submergence at Single Horizontal Intakes Under Asymmetric Flow Conditions
Haspolat, Emre (2022-01-01)
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Citation Formats
M. Göğüş, M. Köken, and E. Haspolat, “Determination of critical submergence depth at horizontal intakes under asymmetric flow conditions,” 2015, Accessed: 00, 2020. [Online]. Available: