Investigation of safe and sustainable yields for the Sandy Complex aquifer system in the Ergene River basin, Thrace Region, Turkey

This study aims to determine the safe and sustainable yields for the Sandy Complex aquifer system in Ergene River basin in northwestern Turkey. A numerical ground-water flow model was developed for the Sandy Complex aquifer, which is the most productive and the most widespread aquifer in the basin. The finite difference ground-water model was used to simulate steady and unsteady flow in the aquifer. The model was calibrated in two steps: a steady-state calibration, by using the observed ground-water levels of January 1970; then a transient calibration, by using the observed ground-water levels for the period of January 1970 and December 2000.


Investigation of the safe and sustainable yields for the Sandy Complex aquifer system in Ergene River Basin
Ökten, Şebnem; Yazıcıgil, Hasan; Department of Geological Engineering (2004)
This study aims to determine the safe and sustainable development and management of groundwater resources in Ergene River Basin located in northwestern Turkey. A numerical groundwater model was developed for the Sandy Complex aquifer, which is the most productive and the most widespread aquifer in the basin. The finite difference model with 5900 cells was used to represent the steady and unsteady flow in the aquifer. The model was calibrated in two steps: a steady state calibration by using the observed gro...
Investigation of sustainable development potential for Ulubey Aquifer System, Turkey
Burcu, Unsal; Hasan, Yazicigil (2014-06-06)
This study investigates sustainable development potential for Ulubey aquifer system which serves as an important water supply for Usak province (Turkey). In recent years, growing population, accelerating industrial activities and decreasing rainfall, as well as contamination of the surface water resources, made groundwater indispensable to meet the freshwater demands of Usak province. Therefore, a sustainable groundwater development plan has to be set up by determining the sustainable yield of the system, w...
Assessment of Dewatering Requirements and their Anticipated Effects on Groundwater Resources: A Case Study from the Caldag Nickel Mine, Western Turkey
Peksezer-Sayit, Ayse; Cankara-Kadioglu, Cigdem; Yazıcıgil, Hasan (2015-06-01)
Dewatering requirements of three open pits located in western Turkey and the impact of dewatering on groundwater resources were evaluated using a three-dimensional numerical groundwater flow model. The groundwater was modeled using MODFLOW software and the dewatering was simulated using the MODFLOW Drain Package. The drain cell configurations were determined by pit boundaries; invert elevations of drains corresponded to the bench elevations in the mining schedule, which varied dynamically among the three pi...
Sustainable development and management of an aquifer system in western Turkey
SAKIYAN, J; Yazıcıgil, Hasan (2004-02-01)
This study presents the establishment of sustainable development and management policies for the Kucuk Menderes River Basin aquifer system in western Turkey. Geological, hydrogeological, and geophysical data are used conjunctively to define various hydrogeological units and their geometry. Distributions of hydraulic-parameter values and recharge are estimated by geostatistical methods and hydrologic simulations, respectively. A finite-difference groundwater flow model is used to represent the unconfined flo...
Rebuttal to "Evaluation of surface water quality and heavy metal pollution of Coruh River Basin (Turkey) by multivariate statistical methods'' by Bilgin and Konanc (Environ Earth Sci 2016; 75:1029)
BAYRAM, ADEM (2017-10-01)
The paper entitled "Evaluation of surface water quality and heavy metal pollution of Coruh River Basin (Turkey) by multivariate statistical methods'' by Bilgin and Konanc (Environ Earth Sci 75: 1029, 2016) was discussed. The authors made a great effort measuring 21 water quality indicators for the surface waters from 14 monitoring and sampling stations selected in the Coruh River Basin (northeastern Turkey) during a period from June 2014 to May 2015. Unfortunately, various mistakes, e.g., several misevaluat...