First stage development of a 2-D computer-aided drawing package

Doğrusöz, Ali


First Stage in The Construction Of METU Turkish English Exam Corpus METU TEEC
Hatipoğlu, Çiler (2013-06-01)
This paper presents and discusses the first stages in the construction of the Middle East Technical University Turkish English Exam Corpus (METU TEEC), which has been compiled by a research team at Middle East Technical University (METU), Ankara, Turkey. The corpus consists of 1914 Linguistics and ELT exam papers (955483 words in total) written in timed circumstances with no access to reference material by the students at the Foreign Language Education (FLE) department at METU, Ankara between January 2005 a...
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Öztürk, Hande Işık (null; 2016-09-23)
First step of Functional Foods Biofortification of Arabidopsis seeds
Aksoy, Emre; KOIWA, HISASHI (2015-05-20)
Initial Stages of Oxidation on Graphitic Surfaces: Photoemission Study and Density Functional Theory Calculations
Barinov, Alexei; Malcıoğlu, Osman Barış; Fabris, Stefano; Sun, Tao; Gregoratti, Luca; Dalmiglio, Matteo; Kiskinova, Maya (2009-05-28)
The initial oxidation stages of perfect and defective graphitic surfaces exposed to atomic oxygen have been studied with a combined high-resolution photoemission spectroscopy (HR-PES) and density functional theory (DFT) computational approach. The resulting oxygen-containing surface functional groups are identified by analyzing the multicornponent C 1s and O 1s core level spectra that are then interpreted on the basis of DFF calculations. In the initial oxidation stage, epoxy groups are formed on perfect gr...
First principles study on new half-metallic ferromagnetic ternary zinc-based sulfide and telluride (Zn3VS4 and Zn3VTe4)
Erkisi, Aytac; YILDIZ, BUĞRA; DEMİR, KADİR; SÜRÜCÜ, GÖKHAN (IOP Publishing, 2019-07-01)
In this resear, we have investigated electronic and magnetic behavior and also some mechanical properties of ternary zinc-based chalcogenides Zn(3)VCh(4) (Ch = S and Te) conform to P (4) over bar 3m space group with 215 space number, which have simple cubic (SC) crystal structure, by spin-polarized Generalized Gradient Approximation (GGA) within Density Functional Theory (DFT). To make extensive study within ab initio methods, after the optimization process to get optimal structural parameters in most suita...
Citation Formats
A. Doğrusöz, “First stage development of a 2-D computer-aided drawing package,” Middle East Technical University, 1988.