The linkages between the dependent state and authoritarianism : a theoretical inquiry into the Latin American formation

Keyman, Emin Fuat


The dichotomy between piety and zealotry: Reflections on the relation between religiosity and democratic secularism
Demiray, Mehmet Ruhi (Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi (Ankara, Turkey), 2015-12)
It is a mark of the decades we live in that the long-standing relations between politics and religion founded along the axis of liberal-democratic principles have turned out to appear problematical. It seems now an important issue to find out how religiosity should be located within political and social terrain. The cliché that fundamentalism constitutes the limit for tolerating religious demands and movements within liberal democratic regimes, does not help much. The real problem is how to draw the distinc...
The evolution of the idea of development: From developmentalism to financialisation in a comparative perspective
Kaynak , Mehtap Tuğba; Göksel, Asuman; Department of Political Science and Public Administration (2020-10-29)
This thesis has attempted to show the evolution of the idea of developmentalism starting from the early ideas of developmentalism in 16th century and continuing with the analysis of developmental state from the end of the Second World War to the early 21st century. As the contours of developmentalism shifted from economic protectionism in the 1950s to market liberalisation in the 1980s, there has been a growing literature aiming at revitalizing the role of the state in social and economic transformation in ...
The Historical Roots of Right-Wing Populism in Turkey: A Spatial Examination of the DP, ANAP, and AKP Governments
Çınar, Süleyman Kürşat (2023-2-01)
This article aims to explore the continuities and changes in Turkish political history by examining three predominant, populist right-wing political parties in Turkish multi-party politics: Democrat Party (DP), Motherland Party (ANAP), and Justice and Development Party (AKP). The article utilizes correlative and spatial analyses to juxtapose these three cases to find out path dependencies and critical junctures in Turkish political history. The commonalities in these cases are the clear linkages of incumben...
The visual formation of cartesian subject in modern metaphysics : a critique of Cogito philosophy
Ganioğlu, Zafer; Akçay, Ali Adnan; Department of Sociology (2006)
This thesis scrutinizes modern metaphysics through a specific reading and critique of Cartesian Philosophy. In the study, the concepts of metaphysics, ideology, modernity, subject and modern science are re-examined in their relations among them and in that the peculiarity of modern metaphysics is attempted to be revealed. At the core of the thesis, Descartes’ understanding of subject is inquired to be modern subject, and its role in the transformations happened in Western world with the advent of modern age...
The role of political concepts on planning and design process of new capitals : a comparative study
Uluğ, Hande; Keskinok, H. Çağatay; Günay, Baykan; Department of City and Regional Planning (2000)
Citation Formats
E. F. Keyman, “The linkages between the dependent state and authoritarianism : a theoretical inquiry into the Latin American formation,” Middle East Technical University, 1983.