Cyprus : a victim of power politics

Vural, Gülgün


Cyprus in the British Security and Foreign Policy (1945-1974)
Goktepe, Cihat; Ünlü Bilgiç, Tuba (2014-12-01)
British policy towards Cyprus has strategic, political, economic, and even socio-psychological components. All these components have been shaped by conditions at the national, regional and international levels. Against this backdrop, Britain's Cyprus policy has displayed periodical changes in line with the former's foreign/security policy and defense doctrine. For a certain period, Cyprus had been deemed militarily and politically indispensable for England in order to maintain its 'Great Power' status in th...
Cyprus policy of Turkey in the 2000s: has the "National Cause" become an "Impediment to Progress"?
Yaka, Özge; Kaya, Ahmet Raşit; Department of Political Science and Public Administration (2006)
This study claims that there has been realized an obvious transformation in the way in which the Cyprus question is perceived and handled in Turkey, both in official state policy and popular opinion, during 2000s. It is aimed in this study to depict this transformation with its different dimensions and analyze this transformation with a historical perspective in terms of the actors and dynamics involved. The social and political dynamics which brought about such a transformation are investigated and the pos...
Cypriots in the island and abroad: reunification attitudes and peace prospects
Kuşçu Bonnenfant, Işık (2021-07-01)
Turkey: Politics of Balance and Caution toward Moldova
Şenyuva, Özgehan (Lexington Books, 2012-01-01)
Egypt after Mubarak: Liberalism Islam and democracy in the Arab World
Özçetin, Burak (2011-05-01)
Citation Formats
G. Vural, “Cyprus : a victim of power politics,” Middle East Technical University, 1984.