Identification of differentially expressed transcripts from leaves of the boron tolerant plant Gypsophila perfoliata L.

Unver, Turgay
Bozkurt, Osman
Akkaya, Mahinur
Very recently some of the species of Gypsophila genus collected from the boron rich soils in Turkey were shown to be remarkably tolerant to high levels of boron. A limited amount of boron is necessary for the normal development of plants; however, a high level of boron in soil is generally toxic. Nevertheless, the adaptability of plant species allows them to withstand the presence of extreme amounts of metal ion by various strategies. This study is conducted on highly boron tolerant Gypsophila perfoliata L. collected from a location in the boron mining area. The plant samples were transferred into plant nutritional medium in the presence high; similar to 500 (35 mg/kg), 1,000, and 30 mu M (considered normal) boron concentrations. We compared the transcriptome of the plant sample treated with the excess levels of boron to that of the samples grown under normal concentration using differential display PCR (DDRT-PCR) method. Thirty bands showing differential expression levels (presence or absence of bands or varying intensities) in either of similar to 500 or 30 mu M B concentrations at varying time points were excised, cloned, and sequenced. Among which, 18 of them were confirmed via quantitative reverse transcription real time PCR (qRT-PCR). We are reporting the first preliminary molecular level study of boron tolerance on this organism by attempting to identify putative genes related in the tolerance mechanism. The gene fragments are consistent with the literature data obtained from a proteomics study and a metabolomics study performed in barley under varying boron concentrations.


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Citation Formats
T. Unver, O. Bozkurt, and M. Akkaya, “Identification of differentially expressed transcripts from leaves of the boron tolerant plant Gypsophila perfoliata L.,” PLANT CELL REPORTS, pp. 1411–1422, 2008, Accessed: 00, 2020. [Online]. Available: