Department of Sociology, Article

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Entity Type
Publication (264)

Has File(s)
No (224)
Yes (40)

Jassal, Smita Tewari (27)
Ergun Özbolat, Ayça (22)
Beşpınar Akgüner, Fatma Umut (19)
Hoşgör, Hatice Ayşe (17)
Rittersberger, Helga İda (16)

Sociology and Political Science (28)
Turkey (18)
Political Science and International Relations (8)
Cultural Studies (7)
Gender (7)

Date Issued
1970 - 1979 (2)
1980 - 1999 (20)
2000 - 2019 (185)
2020 - 2025 (57)

Item Type
Journal Article (208)
Article (3)
Working Paper (1)

Recent Submissions

Rebuilding Antakya: Cultivating urban resilience through cultural identity and education for post-disaster reconstruction in Turkey
Aydin, Nazli Yonca; Çelik, Kezban; GEÇEN, REŞAT; Kalaycıoğlu, Hediye Sibel; Duzgun, Sebnem (2025-02-01)
On February 6th, 2023, 11 cities around the southeast of Turkey were hit by a major earthquake with magnitude of 7.9 and 7.6, which resulted in mass destruction and loss of lives in many cities. Antakya, Hatay was one of t...
Kadına Yönelik Ekonomik Şiddet: Kavramlar, Mevcut Durum ve Öneriler
Beşpınar Akgüner, Fatma Umut; BEŞPINAR, LÜTFİYE ZEYNEP (2024-12-01)
OnlyFans Platformunda Kadınların Çevrimiçi Seks İşi: Baskı mı Güçlenme mi?
Cılızoğlu, Mediha Dilara (2024-10-07)
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Crossborder Marriages as a Path to “Upward” Social Mobility: The case of Kyrgyz Women in Türkiye
Coşkun, Emel; Rittersberger, Helga İda (2024-07-01)
“EU’s Actorness in the South Caucasus: Uneasy Alliance of Normative Power with Conflict Resolution and Peace-building”
Ergun Özbolat, Ayça; Valiyev, Anar (2024-04-01)
Civil society negotiating between internationalization and de-Europeanization: the case of women's organizations in Turkey
Ergun Özbolat, Ayça; Kazanoglu, Nazli (2024-03-29)
Since the Eastern enlargement in 2004, the EU has paid exceptional attention to strengthening civil society organizations (CSOs) in new member and candidate states, including Turkey. While the EU's contribution to Turkish ...
Transformation of Identity among Slavic Muslim Pomaks in Bulgaria and Georgian Muslim Ajarians in Georgia: A Comparative Analysis
Kahraman, Alter; Aydıngün, Ayşegül (2024-01-01)
This article comparatively analyses the identity transformation of Pomaks and Ajarians, two Muslim minorities living with Orthodox majorities. Based on semi-structured in-depth interviews conducted in Bulgaria and Georgia,...
Yakın Partner Şiddetiyle Başa Çıkmak: Türkiye'de Kadınların Sahip Oldukları Kaynakların Şiddete Verdikleri Tepkilere Etkisi
Beşpınar Akgüner, Fatma Umut; BEŞPINAR, LÜTFİYE ZEYNEP; ARSLAN TÜRKOĞLU, HİLAL (2024-01-01)
6 Şubat Depremlerinin Ardından Toplumsal Cinsiyet ve Kadın Hakları Perspektifinden Bir Değerlendirme
Beşpınar Akgüner, Fatma Umut; Beşpinar, Lütfiye Zeynep (2023-09-01)
An analysis of social vulnerability in a multi-hazard urban context for improving disaster risk reduction policies: The case of Sancaktepe, İstanbul
Kalaycıoğlu, Mehmet; Kalaycıoğlu, Hediye Sibel; Çelik, Kezban; Christie, Ryerson; Filippi, Maria Evangelina (2023-06-01)
Despite concerted calls over the past 20 years to ensure that urban development is undertaken in a manner that reduces disaster risk, urban planning often remains myopically focused on the built environment, seeing buildin...
Türkiye’de Çocuk Bakıcılarının Ebeveynle İlişkisellik Ekseninde Şekillenen Bakım Emeği Deneyimleri
Çelik, Kezban; Beşpınar Akgüner, Fatma Umut; Erten, Ecem (2023-06-01)
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Unpacking One Nation Two States
Ergun Özbolat, Ayça (2023-04-01)
Happiness Inequality in Post-Socialist Countries during Neoliberal Transition
Arslan, Hilal (2023-02-01)
Both average levels of happiness and its distribution have dramatically changed with neoliberal transition in post-socialist countries that have been marked by chronic unhappiness. This study aims to describe the distribut...
Bringing classes back into poverty discussions
Özgün, Gizem; Dolcerocca, Antoıne (2023-1-17)
The 1980s saw a shift in the emphasis of discourse on poverty from production relations to consumption relations, with levels of consumption and purchasing power used to define poverty. Based on this concept, much of the r...
Politicising Death in the Covid-19 Outbreak: AKP, Necropolitics and Right-Authoritarianism in Turkey
Erden, Özgür Olgun (2023-01-01)
This study deals with the AKP (Justice and Development Party) right-authoritarianism during the COVID-19 pandemic in Turkey, as seen from the perspective of necropolitics. It examines the relationships between politics and...
“Our Plants are Slowly Dying here, Just Like us”: Coping with Pollution in Turkey’s “Cancer Valley”
Karagence, Mediha Didem; Dolcerocca, Antoıne (2023-01-01)
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Normative future visioning for city resilience and development
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This paper argues for normative visioning as an underdeveloped component of adaptation planning. Multi-stakeholder and normative approaches to future visioning offer generative moments when creativity can meet the power to...
A Content Analysis of Gender Portrayals in Turkish Children’s Picturebooks
Peker, Ayşenur; Aybars, Ayşe İdil (2023-01-01)
The study aims to explore the portrayal of gender and the representation of gender roles in picturebooks written for children aged 3–6 in Turkey, with a view to assessing whether these gender portrayals include gender ster...
Türkçe Literatürde Farklı Disiplinlerden Mobilite (Hareketlilik) Çalışmalarının Toplumsal Cinsiyet Boyutu Üzerinden İncelenmesİ
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TURCICA: Revue d’études turques, peuples, langues, cultures, États
Zırh, Besim Can (2022-10-01)
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