A case study for the mechanistic evaluation of rigid and flexible pavements at Esenboğa and Adana airports.


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A case study on coupled horizontal and rocking vibration of a block foundation.
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A case study for seismic evaluation of reinforced concrete highway bridges
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A case study on Dilderesi sand drain.
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A sensitivity study for the second order reliability-based design model of rubble mound breakwaters
Balas, CE; Ergin, Ayşen (2000-03-01)
The reliability-based risk assessment and structural design model (REBAD) (Balas, 1998) introduced in this paper, is a worthwhile tool in the preliminary design of maritime structures which are portrayed by vast failure consequences and significant resource expenditures. REBAD model in which the Second-Order Reliability Method (SORM) is utilized together with a cost-optimization algorithm, is implemented to Mersin yacht harbor which is constructed near the city of Mersin located on the Turkish coast of Medi...