Mübadele Ve Kızılay : Mübadele Sürecinde Kızılay'ın Göçmenlerle İlgili Faaliyetleri , 1922-1927



Diverse landscapes, diverse works: reframing the urban transformation of Çinçin through muhtars, houseworkers, the usta, and the kabadayı
Aykaç, Gülşah; Sargın, Güven Arif; Department of Architecture (2020)
This dissertation presents the sociospatial analysis of a radically transformed gecekondu (squatter housing) zone, Çinçin, through the work experiences of two groups of social actors, muhtars (neighbourhood heads) and houseworkers, and two well-known personalities referred to as the usta (expert craftsman) and the kabadayı (social bandit). Çinçin was one of the first marginal districts of Ankara occupied by Persian Roma in the 1920s; it became a part of the dense urban fabric of gecekondus during the urbani...
Israel’s policy responses to egypt in the post-Mubarak era
Özgüler, Büşra N; Tür Küçükkaya, Özlem; Department of Middle East Studies (2017)
In this study, Israel’s policy responses to Egypt in the post-Mubarak era is examined though adoption of the defensive realist perspective. This study endeavors to explain Israel’s strategic silence in conjuncture with its changing threat perceptions and, by extension, its seemingly fluctuating levels of anxiety. By analyzing the discourse of Israeli political and military leaders, it is revealed that Israel perceived the events in Egypt negatively within the environment of uncertainty. At the same time, co...
İbadetle Ticaretin Organik Birlikteliği Türkiye de Çağdaş Cami
Çalışkan, Olgu (2007-04-01)
Contractors and contractorship : an analysis of public building constructions in early Republican Turkey
Şener, Mehmet; Altan, Tomris Elvan; Department of History of Architecture (2013)
This thesis aims to analyse the development of construction contractorship in early Republican Turkey and investigates its role on the building construction of the period by focusing on the production processes of public buildings. In the first chapter after introduction, the building construction of the period will be examined with all its sides. In this framework, the main actors of the processes and different construction production types will explained, and the legal framework, especially the tender law...
Mudurnu vadisi kompleks kinematik yenilme mekanizmalarının İHA teknolojisi ve hat etüdleri kullanılarak değerlendirilmesi
Arslan Kelam, Arzu; Akgün, Haluk (null; 2018-10-12)
Kaya kütlesi özellikleri, şev geometrisi, yağış etkileri, bozunma derecesi, insan etkisi ve sismik aktivite, vb., şev duraysızlığına etki eden önemli faktörlerdendir. Sebep ne olursa olsun bu etkiler sonucunda oluşan duraysızlıklar ciddi afet tehlikesi oluşturabilmektedir. Etrafı yüksek eğimli bir vadide kurulmuş olan Mudurnu ilçesinde, yamaç şevlerinde meydana gelen kaya kütlesi duraysızlıkları sebebiyle yerleşim alanları ve insan hayatı tehdit altında olduğu için bu durum ilçede önemli bir tehlike ve buna...
Citation Formats
O. Yıldırım, “Mübadele Ve Kızılay : Mübadele Sürecinde Kızılay’ın Göçmenlerle İlgili Faaliyetleri , 1922-1927,” 2012. Accessed: 00, 2020. [Online]. Available: https://hdl.handle.net/11511/59517.