Anadolu'da Epikurosçuluğun İzleri: Bulgular Ve Çözümlemeler Işığında Oinoandalı Diogenes'in Yazıtı Ve Epikuros Felsefesine İlişkin Bir Nceleme Ve Tanıtım Çalışması



Reconstruction of Pre-Modern Traditions in Kyrgyzstan: Legal Pluralism and Women
Yavuz Aktaş, İdil; Kuşçu Bonnenfant, Işık; Department of Eurasian Studies (2021-12-7)
This study examines the reinvention of ancient traditions of Kyrgyz people in terms of aksakal courts which are aspects of legal pluralism in Kyrgyzstan and women’s position with respect to aksakal courts’ judgments. From a historical perspective, this thesis aims to analyze how the pre-Soviet identities and traditions mutated, adapted and survived until today, forming modern state institutions and social practices. In this study, it is argued that the current pluralist legal system brought with the establi...
A case study of Gipsy / Roma identity construction in Edirne
Ceyhan, Selin; Kalaycıoğlu, Hediye Sibel; Department of Sociology (2003)
The aim of this thesis is to argue about a Gypsy/Roma community̕s identity construction from the point of view of classical literature on ethnicity, class and gender dimensions in the symbolic identity construction in the case of Turkey. In this regard, it is important to examine whether this community benefits from citizenship rights. For this purpose, Edirne is chosen as a sample of Turkey because majority of Gypsy/Roma population lives in and this border city into which migrations took place from Bulgari...
Rural Habitation in Syria: The Culture of Traditional Architecture and Its Role in the Reconstruction Process
Al asali, M. Wesam ; Shahin, Iyas (Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Architecture, 2016-10-12)
This paper investigates the positive role traditional architecture can play during reconstruction, particularly in rural Syria, and highlights the effective impact cultural and social participation have on the process. In addition to exploring the possibilities offered by traditional architecture and its implementation within the strategic vision of reconstruction, this research also takes into account the authenticity of rural society and the diversity of urban identity in Syria. This article consists of ...
Geç Neolitik'te Zaman, Mekan ve Ritüel: Domuztepe'de İnsan, Mekan ve Nesne Gömüleri
Atakuman, Çiğdem; Erdem, Deniz (Ege Yayınları, 2015-01-01)
Anadolu’da Merkezileşmeye Yeni Bir Bakış : Erken Tunç Çağı ’nda Figürinler, Kimlik ve Sosyal Dönüşüm
Atakuman, Çiğdem (2019-09-01)
Citation Formats
Ş. H. Turan, “Anadolu’da Epikurosçuluğun İzleri: Bulgular Ve Çözümlemeler Işığında Oinoandalı Diogenes’in Yazıtı Ve Epikuros Felsefesine İlişkin Bir Nceleme Ve Tanıtım Çalışması,” 2011. Accessed: 00, 2020. [Online]. Available: