Transition to parenthood: The Turkish case

Hortacsu, N
Turkish couples who did or did not become parents were interviewed twice during the first year of marriage. Measures were division of labor and satisfaction with division of labor, decision making, conflict and conflict management, feelings for spouse and families, and frequency of interaction with different sectors of the social network. The results revealed that future parents were more enmeshed with families before childbirth and reported greater levels of husband dominance in conflict before parenthood. After parenthood, parents reported more gender stereotypic division of labor and decision making, higher levels of conflict with families, and higher levels of wife dominance and bilateral concessions than did childless couples. No differences with respect to spousal feelings emerged either as a function of parenthood or of time. Regression analyses predicting feelings for spouse revealed that positive feelings for families and nontraditional family functioning favoring the wife were associated with positive feelings for spouse for both husbands and wives. Conflict with spouse and families and husband dominance in conflict were associated with negative feelings for spouse.


The first year of family- and couple-initiated marriages of a Turkish sample: A longitudinal investigation
Hortacsu, N (1999-02-01)
One hundred and thirty Turkish couples were interviewed twice during the first year of marriage. One fifth of the couples were involved in traditional family-initiated marriages and the rest were involved in Western-style couple-initiated marriages. The interviews included questions related to demographic measures, marital functioning, and relationships with social network. Analyses revealed earlier parenthood, greater decision power of women for housework-related decisions, and less frequent interaction wi...
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Hunler, OS; Gençöz, Tülin (2005-03-01)
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Hünler, Olga Selin; Gençöz, Tülin; Department of Psychology (2002)
This study aimed at revealing the mediational role of perceived marital problem solving between religiousness and marital satisfaction relationship in a Turkish sample. The participants were 92 married couples, who were the parents of Middle East Technical University students. Hierarchical Regression Analyses were performed in order to test the mediational role of marital problem solving between religiousness and marital satisfaction relationship. Moreover, some additional Hierarchical Regression Analyses w...
Loneliness and marital adjustment of Turkish couples
Demir, Ayhan Gürbüz (Informa UK Limited, 1999-03-01)
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Family- and couple-initiated marriages in Turkey
Hortacsu, N (1997-08-01)
The characteristics of Turkish family- and couple-initiated marriages are examined. Four hundred sixty-nine couples who were obtaining marriage licenses for their first marriage were interviewed about their background characteristics; importance ratings of several reasons for marriage; reports of feelings and cognitions related to spouse, parents, and the two families; and reports of frequencies of interacting with spouse in different social contexts. Results revealed that individuals in the two types of ma...
Citation Formats
N. Hortacsu, “Transition to parenthood: The Turkish case,” JOURNAL OF SOCIAL BEHAVIOR AND PERSONALITY, pp. 325–343, 1999, Accessed: 00, 2020. [Online]. Available: