Religiousness as a predictor of personality traits, focus of control and ways of coping

Akdeniz, Ceren


Social identity theory: A historical review from the perspectives of social and industrial and organizational psychology
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Acculturation Attitudes and Marital Satisfaction of Binational Couples in Turkey
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Parental acceptance-rejection, locus of control, and social support in Turkish adolescents
Büyükaşık Çolak, Canan; Gençöz, Tülin (2012-01-01)
Turkish Students’ Self Concepts and Reflected Appraisals of Significant Others
Hortaçsu, N. (Wiley, 1989-1)
It was argued that self concept, being a social construct, should be investigated with instruments developed within the culture studied. A measure based on self descriptions of Turkish students was used to investigate self concepts of Turkish adolescents. Two subsamples of subjects reported on parents' and friends'/strangers' reflected appraisals respectively in addition to ideal self concepts. Regression analyses performed on data from male and female subsamples reporting on parents' reflected appraisals r...
Looming Maladaptive Style (LMS): Its association with perceived parenting, depression, and social anxiety in a group of Turkish university students
Altan-Atalay, Ayse; Ayvasik, Belgin (2016-07-01)
Citation Formats
C. Akdeniz, “Religiousness as a predictor of personality traits, focus of control and ways of coping,” INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLOGY, pp. 63–63, 2008, Accessed: 00, 2020. [Online]. Available: