Quantum system structures of quantum spaces and entanglement breaking maps

Dosi, A. A.
This paper is devoted to the classification of quantum systems among the quantum spaces. In the normed case we obtain a complete solution to the problem when an operator space turns out to be an operator system. The min and max quantizations of a local order are described in terms of the min and max envelopes of the related state spaces. Finally, we characterize min-max-completely positive maps between Archimedean order unit spaces and investigate entanglement breaking maps in the general setting of quantum systems.


Galois structure of modular forms of even weight
Gurel, E. (Elsevier BV, 2009-10-01)
We calculate the equivariant Euler characteristics of powers of the canonical sheaf on certain modular curves over Z which have a tame action of a finite abelian group. As a consequence, we obtain information on the Galois module structure of modular forms of even weight having Fourier coefficients in certain ideals of rings of cyclotomic algebraic integers. (c) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
On the deformation chirality of real cubic fourfolds
Finashin, Sergey (Wiley, 2009-09-01)
According to our previous results, the conjugacy class of the involution induced by the complex conjugation in the homology of a real non-singular cubic fourfold determines the fourfold tip to projective equivalence and deformation. Here, we show how to eliminate the projective equivalence and obtain a pure deformation classification, that is, how to respond to the chirality problem: which cubics are not deformation equivalent to their image under a mirror reflection. We provide an arithmetical criterion of...
Value sets of Lattes maps over finite fields
Küçüksakallı, Ömer (Elsevier BV, 2014-10-01)
We give an alternative computation of the value sets of Dickson polynomials over finite fields by using a singular cubic curve. Our method is not only simpler but also it can be generalized to the non-singular elliptic case. We determine the value sets of Lattes maps over finite fields which are rational functions induced by isogenies of elliptic curves with complex multiplication.
An identification theorem for groups of finite Morley rank and even type
Berkman, A; Borovik, AV (Elsevier BV, 2003-08-15)
The paper contains a construction of a definable BN-pair in a simple group of finite Morley rank and even type with a sufficiently good system of 2-local parabolic subgroups. This provides 'the final identification theorem' for simple groups of finite Morley rank and even type.
Dosi, A. (American Mathematical Society (AMS), 2020-01-01)
The paper is devoted to a noncommutative holomorphic functional calculus and its application to noncommutative algebraic geometry. A description is given for the noncommutative (infinite-dimensional) affine spaces A(q)(x), 1 = 0, are calculated.