Further contributions to polynomial fikters.

Şener, Engin


Further comments on the diffusion equations for membrane formation
McHugh, A.J.; Yılmaz, Levent (1989-01-01)
Further investigation on thermal contact conductance of nominally flat surfaces.
Erenel, M Memduh; Department of Mechanical Engineering (1983)
Further studies on computer automated access to the F.E.M. rules for crane design
Alper, Cenk; Erden, Abdülkadir; Department of Mechanical Engineering (1994)
Further results on rational points of the curve y(qn) - y = gamma xqh+1 - alpha over F-qm
Cosgun, Ayhan; Özbudak, Ferruh; SAYGI, ZÜLFÜKAR (2016-06-01)
Let q be a positive power of a prime number. For arbitrary positive integers h, n, m with n dividing m and arbitrary gamma, alpha is an element of F-qm with gamma not equal 0 the number of F-qm - rational points of the curve y(qn) - y = gamma x(qh+1) - alpha is determined in many cases (Ozbudak and Saygi, in: Larcher et al. (eds.) Applied algebra and number theory, 2014) with odd q. In this paper we complete some of the remaining cases for odd q and we also present analogous results for even q.
On the modeling and formulation of hyrraulic networks.
Köksal, Sevil; Department of Electrical Engineering (1974)
Citation Formats
E. Şener, “Further contributions to polynomial fikters.,” Middle East Technical University, 1979.