State formation from below: the Turkish case

Hunt, A
Tokluoglu, C
This essay focuses on the state-formation theory through the lens of the Turkish state-formation experience. The movements of resistance against state-formation in Turkey such as the internal struggles based on ideological and cultural factors, social banditry, military desertion, ethnic and religiously inspired uprisings, and non-Muslim and non-Turkish opposition are analyzed in the context of a model which has been developed in this study. According to this model state-formation is linked to a wide range of practices of social resistance. To provide the means of exploring the mechanisms of the processes of state-formation that are unintended and unplanned responses provoked by various types of resistance, their impact, not directly on institutional state-formation, but rather on the cultural and ideological dimensions of the same processes has to be carved out. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.


Turkish Foreign Policy Toward Israel Through the Lens of Neoclassical Realism, 1949-2010
Emmert, Andrew James; Tür Küçükkaya, Özlem; Department of International Relations (2020-9)
This thesis analyzes Turkish foreign policy toward Israel through the lens of Neoclassical Realist theory from 1949-2010. It specifically attempts to discern the various international, regional, and domestic factors that have contributed to Ankara’s foreign policy toward the Jewish state by examining the eras of bipolar (1949-1989), unipolar (1990-2001), and multipolar (2002-2010) international structures. By doing such the author believes that a fresh interpretation of nearly the entire course of Tur...
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The genesis of think-tank culture in Turkey: past, present and future?
Aydın, Aziz; Altunışık, Hüseyin; Department of International Relations (2006)
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The Effect of english opinion essay writing instruction on Turkish essay writing : a case of university preparatory school students
Kaya, Seyithan; Sağın Şimşek, Sultan Çiğdem; Department of English Language Teaching (2013)
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System justification and terror manegement : mortality salience as amoderator ofsystem justifying tendencies in gender context
Doğulu, Canay; Sakallı Uğurlu, Nuray; Department of Psychology (2012)
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Citation Formats
A. Hunt and C. Tokluoglu, “State formation from below: the Turkish case,” SOCIAL SCIENCE JOURNAL, pp. 617–624, 2002, Accessed: 00, 2020. [Online]. Available: