It's All About the Message! Visual Experience is a Precursor to Accurate Auditory Interaction

Harper, Simon
Eraslan, Sukru
Yesilada, Yeliz
Anecdotal evidence suggests there is a disjoint between the interaction experiences of sighted and visually disabled web users. However, we propose the converse and suggest that this disjoint is created by the lack of understanding of the interplay between the two doiains. Current research shows that there is one single locus of attention at a given tiie in the context of web interaction, and therefore sighted users fori a serialisation of the things they look at and pay attention - an exeiplar of which can be seen in eye ioveicnt sequences of users. We also suggest that web designers have a narrative in inind to be experienced by users, and they create a visual sequence they wish their audience to perceive for supporting this narrative. However, this sequence is typically lost when we iove froi visual presentations to auditory ones. Current audio interactions centre around page linearisation based on the sequence of the underlying source code. This lincarisation typically falls short of the kind of coiprehensive interaction which can be expected in the visual doiain. In this paper, we use an eye tracking dataset to illustrate that the linearisation of web page coiponent based on the underlying source code differs fron what is experienced by sighted users. We then show that the web experience of visually disabled users can be inproved by re-ordering the nost coinioily used web page conponCts based on the order in which they are used. We also suggest that it is critical to conduct foriative experincntation with sighted users to establish a visual narrative and scrialisation, thereby inforining the design of the auditory conversation.
16th International Web for All Conference (W4A)


Trends in Eye Tracking Scanpaths: Segmentation Effect?
Eraslan, Sukru; Yesilada, Yeliz; Harper, Simon (2016-07-13)
Eye tracking has been widely used to investigate user interactions with the Web to improve user experience. In our previous work, we developed an algorithm called Scanpath Trend Analysis (STA) that analyses eye movement sequences (i.e., scanpaths) of multiple users on a web page and identifies their most commonly followed path in terms of the visual elements of the page. These visual elements are mainly the segments of a page generated by automated segmentation approaches. In our previous work, we also show...
Eye Tracking Scanpath Analysis Techniques on Web Pages: A Survey, Evaluation and Comparison
Eraslan, Sukru; Yesilada, Yeliz; Harper, Simon (2016-01-01)
Eye tracking has commonly been used to investigate how users interact with web pages, with the goal of improving their usability. This article comprehensively revisits the techniques that could be applicable to eye tracking data for analysing user scanpaths on web pages. It also uses a third-party eye tracking study to compare these techniques. This allows researchers to recognise existing techniques for their goals, understand how they work and know their strengths and limitations so that they can make an ...
Predicting Trending Elements on Web Pages Using Eye-Tracking Data
Shekh Khalil , Naziha; Yeşilada, Yeliz; Eraslan, Şükrü; Computer Engineering (2022-8-31)
Eye-tracking data can be used to understand how users interact with web pages and such understanding can be facilitated for different purposes, for example, it can be used to support better accessibility for disabled users or better usability for all users. However, understanding the sequential behavior of a group of users is challenging from eye-tracking data because individual eye movement sequences, i.e. scanpaths, tend to be complicated and different from each other. Previous work proposes an algorithm ...
Web users with autism: eye tracking evidence for differences
Eraslan, Sukru; Yaneva, Victoria; Yesilada, Yeliz; Harper, Simon (Informa UK Limited, 2019-07-03)
Anecdotal evidence suggests that people with autism may have different processing strategies when accessing the web. However, limited empirical evidence is available to support this. This paper presents an eye tracking study with 18 participants with high-functioning autism and 18 neurotypical participants to investigate the similarities and differences between these two groups in terms of how they search for information within web pages. According to our analysis, people with autism are likely to be less s...
"Keep it simple!": an eye-tracking study for exploring complexity and distinguishability of web pages for people with autism
Eraslan, Sukru; Yesilada, Yeliz; Yaneva, Victoria; Ha, Le An (Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2020-02-03)
A major limitation of the international well-known standard web accessibility guidelines for people with cognitive disabilities is that they have not been empirically evaluated by using relevant user groups. Instead, they aim to anticipate issues that may arise following the diagnostic criteria. In this paper, we address this problem by empirically evaluating two of the most popular guidelines related to the visual complexity of web pages and the distinguishability of web-page elements. We conducted a compa...
Citation Formats
S. Harper, S. Eraslan, and Y. Yesilada, “It’s All About the Message! Visual Experience is a Precursor to Accurate Auditory Interaction,” San Francisco, CA, 2019, p. 0, Accessed: 00, 2020. [Online]. Available: