Engineering, Conference / Seminar

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Entity Type
Publication (102)

Has File(s)
No (91)
Yes (11)

Al-Turjman, Fadi (14)
Muhtaroglu, Ali (11)
Nesimoglu, Tayfun (10)
Sabah, Cumali (10)
Yesilada, Yeliz (7)

Metamaterial (6)
Eye tracking (4)
Genetic algorithms (3)
Internet of Things (IoT) (3)
Web pages (3)

Date Issued
1991 - 1999 (1)
2000 - 2009 (10)
2010 - 2019 (91)

Item Type
Conference Paper (17)

Recent Submissions

Combining Trending Scan Paths with Arousal to Model Visual Behaviour on the Web: A Case Study of Neurotypical People vs People with Autism
Matthews, Oludamilare; Eraslan, Sukru; Yaneva, Victoria; Davies, Alan; Yesilada, Yeliz; Vigo, Markel; Harper, Simon (2019-01-01)
People with autism often exhibit different visual behaviours from neurotypical users. To explore how these differences are exhibited on the Web, we model visual behaviour by combining pupillary response, which is an unobtr...
A Simple Sliding Mode Controller for PUC7 Grid-Connected Inverter Using A look-up Table
Makhamreh, Hamza; Trabelsi, Mohamed; Kuekrer, Osman; Abu-Rub, Haitham (2019-01-01)
In this paper, a novel and simple controller for seven-level packed U-cell (PUC) grid-connected inverter is presented. The control method is derived based on sliding mode control theory. Making use of the measured grid vol...
Identification of azimuthal light scattering signatures to selectively track changes in subnuclear refractive index profile of epithelial cell models
Arifler, Dizem; Guillaud, Martial (2019-01-01)
We construct stochastically inhomogeneous epithelial cell models via simulation of Gaussian random fields; the extent and correlation length of subnuclear refractive index fluctuations are based on values quantified from h...
Primary Dendrite Trunk Diameter in Al-7wt% Si Alloy Directionally Solidified Aboard the International Space Station
Upadhyay, S. R.; Tewari, S. N.; Ghodes, M.; Grugel, R. N.; Poirier, D. R.; Lauer, M. (2019-01-01)
Under a NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Agency)-ESA (European Space Agency) collaborative research project, MICAST (Microstructure formation in casting of technical alloys under a diffusive and magnetically controlled...
Adults with High-functioning Autism Process Web Pages With Similar Accuracy but Higher Cognitive Effort Compared to Controls
Yaneva, Victoria; Ha, Le An; Eraslan, Sukru; Yesilada, Yeliz (2019-01-01)
To accoiniodate the needs of web users with high-functioning autisi, a designer's only option at present is to rely on guidelines that: i) have not been enpirically evaluated and ii) do not account for the different levels...
Addressing the Challenges of Situationally-Induced Impairments and Disabilities in Mobile Interaction
Tigwell, Garreth W.; Sarsenbayeva, Zhanna; Gorman, Benjamin M.; Flatla, David R.; Goncalves, Jorge; Yesilada, Yeliz; Wobbrock, Jacob O. (2019-01-01)
Situationally-induced impairments and disabilities (SIIDs) make it difficult for users of interactive computing systems to perform tasks due to context (e.g., listening to a phone call when in a noisy crowd) rather than a ...
It's All About the Message! Visual Experience is a Precursor to Accurate Auditory Interaction
Harper, Simon; Eraslan, Sukru; Yesilada, Yeliz (2019-01-01)
Anecdotal evidence suggests there is a disjoint between the interaction experiences of sighted and visually disabled web users. However, we propose the converse and suggest that this disjoint is created by the lack of unde...
Model Predictive Control for a PUC5 based Dual Output Active Rectifier
Makhamreh, Hamza; Trabelsi, Mohamed; Kukrer, Osman; Abu-Rub, Haitham (2019-01-01)
In this paper, an effective finite-control-set model predictive controller (FCS-MPC) is proposed for an active dual output rectifier. The topology under study is a 5-level packed U cells (PUC5) rectifier. The optimized cos...
Smart Solar Micro-grid Using ZigBee and Related Security Challenges
Qadir, Zakria; Tafadzwa, Vincent; Rashid, Haroon; Batunlu, Canras (2018-11-02)
Renewable energy is needed to preserve a sustainable environment. One particular form of renewable energy (solar energy) is one of the most important and cost-effective solutions to the energy crisis. In this study, effici...
Wideband Quarter Wave Transformer Based on Defected Ground and Split Ring Resonator Structures
Yuksek, Yahya; Nesimoglu, Tayfun (2018-11-02)
This article examines a wideband impedance transformer based on a split ring resonator and defected ground structures. The transformer was designed as a 4 section binomial one and it provides a transformation from 50 SI to...
Wireless Monitoring of ECG Signal in Infants Using SWM and DWT Techniques
Rashid, Haroon; Qadir, Zakria; Zia, Moaz; Nesimoglu, Tayfun (2018-11-02)
Human heart cardiac muscles activities can be represented graphically using electrical impulses. Electrocardiography (ECG) signals are very important for physicians to diagnose heart disease. In this study, Bluetooth devic...
Design and Development of a Low Cost Device for Bone Fracture Detection Using FFT Technique on MATLAB
Qadir, Zakria; Ali, Muhammad; Nesimoglu, Tayfun (2018-11-02)
Bone fracture is a common problem in daily life which occurs when high pressure is applied on bone or by simple accident and also due to osteoporosis and bone cancer. Different techniques are used today to detect bone frac...
ZIGBEE Based Time and Energy Efficient Smart Parking System using IOT
Qadir, Zakria; Al-Turjman, Fadi; Khan, Muazzam A.; Nesimoglu, Tayfun (2018-11-02)
The need of this era is a fully automated vehicle parking system using IOT. The real time notification is made possible by integrating a Micro-controller (Arduino) with a wireless communication system (ZigBee) and is feed ...
Evaluation of Image Representations for Player Detection in Field Sports Using Convolutional Neural Networks
Sah, Melike; Direkoglu, Cem (2018-08-28)
Player detection is an important task in sport video analysis. Once players are detected accurately, it can be used for player tracking, player activity/performance analysis as well as team activity recognition. Recently, ...
Optimal Array size for Multiuser MIMO
Hameed, Khalid W.; Noras, James M.; Radwan, Ayman; Al-Turjman, Fadi; Rodriguez, Jonathan; Abd-Alhameed, Raed A. (2018-06-29)
This paper investigates the optimal number of antennas at a base station, in contrast to what has been accepted in the past: that increasing the number of antennas at base station always enhances performance. In this study...
5G in a Convergent Internet of Things Era: An Overview
Poncha, Lemayian Joel; Abdelhamid, Sherin; Alturjman, Sinem; Ever, Enver; Al-Turjman, Fadi (2018-05-24)
The future of services is expected to heavily rely on "Internet of Things" (IoT) and the ability to create smart spaces such as, smart cities, smart houses, smart transportation, and smart outdoor monitoring (SOM) in the c...
Readers Scheduling for RFID Networks in the IoT Era
Campioni, Fabio; Choudhury, Salimur; Al-Turjman, Fadi (2018-05-24)
As a potential way to dramatically save energy and live in a green planet, the Internet of Things (IoT) aims to utilize energy-efficient enabling technologies such as the RFID systems in our daily life applications. In thi...
Tunable Graphene Integrated Perfect Metamaterial Absorber for Energy Harvesting and Visible Light Communication
Sabah, Cumali (2018-02-09)
Tunable graphene integrated metamaterial absorber is proposed for energy harvesting and visible light communication. The structure provides unity absorption in the visible spectrum in which it can be used perfect absorber ...
A Numerical Investigation of High Speed Projectile Impact on Ceramic Plates
Ahmed, Haseeb; Uddin, Emad; Mubashar, Aamir; Ul Haq, S. Waheed (2018-01-13)
With the advancements in the warfare technology, there is a need to have an equal armour protection to help the law enforcement agencies. Since the experimentation is expensive and time consuming and involves various const...
SWARM-based data delivery framework in the Ad Hoc Internet of Things
Hasan, Mohammed Zaki; Al-Turjman, Fadi (2017-12-08)
Internet of Things (IoTs) refers to the rapidly growing network of connected objects that are able to collect and exchange data using embedded sensors. To guarantee the connectivity among these objects and devices, fault t...
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