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The relationship between Kestel Polje system and the Antalya Tufa Plateau: Their morphotectonic evolution in Isparta Angle, Antalya-Turkey
Kocyigit, Ali
Yeilyurt, Serdar
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This paper focuses on the relation between two significant geomorphic features of the western Taurides: the Antalya Tufa Plateau and the structural Kestel polje system; revealing morphotectonic records of the formation and evolution of karst hydrology between the two features. Data were obtained by detailed mapping of faults, rocks, and geomorphic features. The evolutionary history of the area begins with a nearly E-W-trending drainage system which flowed on the erosional surfaces formed during late Langhian-early Messinian under the compressional tectonic regime. The running waters comprising the major drainage system incised the valleys during the Messinian Salinity Crisis and partly in the Pliocene by over 200 m depth across the study area. From the beginning of the Quaternary, a tensional tectonic regime became prominent and a series of graben-horst structures were formed. The Kestel polje system, consisting of five sub-poljes, developed within the graben structures which emerged in the upper basin of rivers during this period, and the middle part of the river valleys were transformed into hanging valleys on the horsts. Thus, drainage of the Kestel polje system and horsts (mountainous area) that bordered the polje to the east was enabled through underground karst conduits. Consequently, CaCO3 precipitating from waters coming out of the rich karst springs that fed the polje system and aquifers to the east formed the Antalya Tufa Plateau.
Subject Keywords
Earth-Surface Processes
Department of Geological Engineering, Article
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Citation Formats
U. DOĞAN, A. Kocyigit, and S. Yeilyurt, “The relationship between Kestel Polje system and the Antalya Tufa Plateau: Their morphotectonic evolution in Isparta Angle, Antalya-Turkey,”
, pp. 112–125, 2019, Accessed: 00, 2020. [Online]. Available: