Object-based classification of landforms based on their local geometry and geomorphometric context

Toprak, Vedat
Strobl, Josef
Terrain as a continuum can be categorized into landform units that exhibit common physical and morphological characteristics of land surface which may serve as a boundary condition for a wide range of application domains. However, heterogeneous views, definitions, and applications on landforms yield incompatible nomenclature that lacks interoperability. Yet, there is still room for developing methods for classification of land surface into landforms that can provide different disciplines with a basis of landscape description that is also commonsense to human insight.


Object-based classification of landforms based on their local geometry and geomorphometric context
Gerçek, Deniz; Toprak, Vedat; Department of Geodetic and Geographical Information Technologies (2010)
Terrain as a continuum can be categorized into landform units that exhibit common physiological and morphological characteristics which might serve as a boundary condition for a wide range of application domains. However, heterogeneous views, definitions and applications on landforms yield inconsistent and incompatible nomenclature that lack interoperability. Yet, there is still room for developing methods for establishing a formal background for general type of classification models to provide different di...
Gercek, Deniz; Zeydanlı, Uğur Siyami (2010-07-02)
A cost effective, reproducible and reliable system of classification of landscapes into homogeneous units characterizing land based on its physical, biological and cultural characteristics -denoted as Land Management Units (LMUs) is of significant importance for management and planning purposes. Especially for developing countries, LMU systems are very critical as they aid in decision making process for achieving sustainable development and conservation of resources.
GIS-based stochastic modeling of physical accessibility using GPS-based floating car data and Monte Carlo simulation
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The term physical accessibility has long been used by geographers, economists, and urban planners and reflects the relative ease of access to/from several urban/rural services by considering the traveling costs. Numerous accessibility measures, ranging from simple to sophisticated, can be observed in the geographical information systems (GIS)-based accessibility modeling literature. However, these measures are generally calculated from a constant catchment boundary (a most likely or average catchment bounda...
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Developing an integrated system for semi-automated segmentation of remotely sensed imagery
Kök, Emre Hamit; Türker, Mustafa; Department of Geodetic and Geographical Information Technologies (2005)
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Citation Formats
D. GERÇEK, V. Toprak, and J. Strobl, “Object-based classification of landforms based on their local geometry and geomorphometric context,” INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GEOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION SCIENCE, pp. 1011–1023, 2011, Accessed: 00, 2020. [Online]. Available: https://hdl.handle.net/11511/67170.