Application of the RIMARC Algorithm to a Large Data Set of Action Potentials and Clinical Parameters for Risk Prediction of Atrial Fibrillation

Ravens, Ursula
Katircioglu-Ozturk, Deniz
Wettwer, Erich
Poulet, Claire
Loose, Simone
Knaut, Michael
Oto, Emre
Oto, Ali


Application of frequency-domain linearized Euler solutions to the prediction of aft fan tones and comparison with experimental measurements on model scale turbofan exhaust nozzles
Özyörük, Yusuf (Elsevier BV, 2011-08-01)
Although it is widely accepted that aircraft noise needs to be further reduced, there is an equally important, on-going requirement to accurately predict the strengths of all the different aircraft noise sources, not only to ensure that a new aircraft is certifiable and can meet the ever more stringent local airport noise rules but also to prioritize and apply appropriate noise source reduction technologies at the design stage. As the bypass ratio of aircraft engines is increased - in order to reduce fuel c...
Application of the Auto Tuned Land Assimilation System ATLAS to ASCAT and SMOS soil moisture retrieval products
Crow, Wade; Yılmaz, Mustafa Tuğrul (2013-07-21)
Application of the coupled model to the Somme river basin
KORKMAZ, SERDAR; Ledoux, Emmanuel; Onder, Halil (2009-03-15)
Hydrological modeling of the Somme river basin situated in the north of France was made with special emphasis on the stream-aquifer interaction. Due to immense groundwater storage in the chalk aquifer, a damaging flood took place in the basin in spring 2001. To best represent the phenomena occurring in the basin, the coupled model also known as MODCOU was selected to be applied to this particular basin. The whole model structure consists of several components, namely, surface model, groundwater model, unsat...
Application of the hot white dwarf atmosphere models to the X-ray data of classical novae
Balman, Şölen (1998-09-10)
The analyses of X-ray emission from classical novae after outburst have shown that the soft X-ray emission below 1 keV, which is thought to originate from the photosphere of the white dwarf, is inconsistent with the simple black body model of emission. Thus, the ROSAT Position Sensitive Proportional Counter (PSPC) data (0.1-2.4 keV) of the classical novae V1974 Cygni 1992 and some others have been reanalyzed in order to understand the spectral development of novae in the X-ray wavelengths during the outburs...
Application of a Hybrid Machine Learning model on short term electricty demand prediction
Assar, Ahmed Khaled Ahmed Farouk; Fahrioğlu, Murat; Sustainable Environment and Energy Systems (2022-2)
Electricity demand forecasting is an important procedure in the electricity market and plays a great role in assuring a sustainable and efficient operation chain. By accurately forecasting the demand, one can see a considerable reduction in production costs as well as saving energy resources. Therefore, optimizing the demand forecasting techniques became an inseparable goal of power economics, leading to the introduction of machine learning to this sector that proved to be superior to other pre-defined alte...
Citation Formats
U. Ravens et al., “Application of the RIMARC Algorithm to a Large Data Set of Action Potentials and Clinical Parameters for Risk Prediction of Atrial Fibrillation,” 2015, vol. 108, p. 0, Accessed: 00, 2020. [Online]. Available: