Performance evaluation of linear tube solar receiver as stratified flow vapor generator/separator for absorption machines using nh3/lino3

Çelik, Sıtkı Berat
A parabolic trough solar collector acting as a desorber (vapor separator) has been recently suggested (Lecuona-Neumann, Rosner, & Ventas-Garzón, 2016) and (Famiglietti et al. 2018). The desorber significantly reduced the complexity and cost of a solar driven absorption heat pump. However, it introduced an innovative flow layout, which is a two-phase, boiling, gravity driven and stratified counter flow. The comprehension of its capabilities is necessary in order to unveil its potential. In the current work, a simplified assumption of the complex flow is suggested and implemented in finite difference and thermodynamic simulations of a single-effect absorption cycle acting as an air cooled chiller using NH3/LiNO3 as the working fluid. The performance of the cycle has been investigated for satisfying the cooling demand of a representative living apartment in the Mediterranean climate. The results of the simulations are compared with experimental data.


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Citation Formats
S. B. Çelik, “Performance evaluation of linear tube solar receiver as stratified flow vapor generator/separator for absorption machines using nh3/lino3,” Ph.D. - Doctoral Program, Middle East Technical University, 2020.