Method and tool for information security assessment that integrates enterprise objectives with vulnerabilities

Karabey, Buğra
Baykal, Nazife
In one aspect, a method to assess information security vulnerability of an enterprise includes storing enterprise objectives in a computer system, storing enterprise resources determined using a value criterion, a rareness criterion, an inimitability criterion and a non-substitutability criterion in the computer system and storing enterprise information assets in the computer system. The method also includes mapping the enterprise objectives with the enterprise resources and mapping the enterprise information assets with the enterprise resources. The method further includes determining a threat analysis using an attack tree using the enterprise resources and the information assets and determining a risk value using the attack tree.


Investigation of deformation and shape memory characteristics of thermoplastic polymers
Yiğitbaşı, Cihan; Dal, Hüsnü; Department of Mechanical Engineering (2018)
Algorithmic implementation of constitutive models for shape memory polymers into commercial software packages through user material interfaces is the subject of this thesis. The effect of temperature change on the behaviors of these materials has been examined. The formulation of the generated material model has been constructed in the logarithmic strain space. Material model structure consists of three main steps. (i) In the geometric pre-processing step, using current and plastic metric, total and plastic...
Formalization of core-competency processes for integration of value-add chains.
Manzer, Ayesha; Doğru, Ali Hikmet; Department of Computer Engineering (2002)
Process Models for the core-competency processes of enterprises are represented in task systems. For a virtual enterprise that is formed by an integration of the individual organizations' processes over the Internet, the preservation of some attributes is investigated. With the aid of task systems as a formalism that is borrowed from the operating systems theory, processes and attributes are modeled. The anticipated utilization is in the form of a tool that will aid the formation of virtual enterprises over...
Smart water chain: Immutable, distributed and decentralized water transaction ledgers
Satilmisoglu, Talat Kemal; Keskin, Huzur (2023-01-01)
Blockchain is a transactional data storage system where data can be stored reliably without the need for a central database or trusted authority. The data can be anything like financial transactions, supply chain processes or medical records. It is similar to a classical database but uses a decentralized ledger and allowing each participant in the network to have their own copy of the ledger and be able to see all transactions. Data stored in the distributed ledger can only be read or written, not deleted o...
Doğan, Taha; Schmidt, Şenan Ece; Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (2022-2-11)
Cloud Computing is enabled by the virtualization of computing resources to realize users' requests of virtual machines (VMs) and data processing in the scope of Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) and Software as a Service (SaaS) respectively. The current heterogeneous cloud data centers incorporate hardware accelerators in addition to the conventional servers to offer these services more efficiently. It is an important research problem to allocate heterogeneous physical computing resources to a mixture of ...
Exploring Queriability of Encrypted and Compressed XML Data
Elgedawy, Islam; Srivastava, Biplav; Mittal, Sumit (2009-09-16)
When large XML documents are shared, documents compression and encryption become simultaneously important for efficient and secure access. Existing approaches for compressing and encrypting large XML documents provide a non-queriable intermediate document representation, creating a need to decompress and decrypt the whole document before any access, which simply wastes computing resources (such as memory, time, and power) especially in mobile environment. To overcome this limitation, this paper proposes a n...