Ernest Hemingway: Yazma Üzerine



Ernest Hemingway: Tüm Öyküleri
Derviş Öztürk, Elif (Bilgi Yayınevi, 2017-05-01)
Ernst Bloch’un Gözüyle Alman Aydınlanma Hareketi
Okyayuz, Mehmet (1999-04-01)
The issue of undecidability within the debate between Ernesto Laclau and Slavoj Žižek
Uzuner, Mehmet Gökhan; Okyayuz, Mehmet; Department of Political Science and Public Administration (2009)
The philosophical problem of the tension between liberty and order has dominated the agenda of western philosophy and science since the beginning of the history of thought, and it is a leading issue nowadays, too. The problem of the act of decision is particularly one of the significant themes of contemporary political thought. Instead of the classical poles of both voluntarism and determinism prioritising either the subject or the structure, what should be employed is a much deeper analysis of the relation...
Steven Holl : a translation of phenomenological philosophy into the realm of architecture
Yorgancıoğlu, Derya; Bilsel, Fatma Cânâ; Department of Architecture (2004)
In this thesis it is aimed to develop a particular reading of Steven Holl̕s approach to architecture. It is claimed that in Holl̕s architecture there is a philosophical depth that embraces both his thinking on and making of architecture. This thesis suggests that, the phenomenology of Maurice Merleau-Ponty, the French philosopher (1908-1961) is Steven Holl̕s main reference in achieving a philosophical depth in architecture. The thesis research focuses on understanding Holl̕s approach to architecture and its...
Edmund Burke’de Yüce ve Jouissance, Lacancı bir okuma
Birlik, Nurten (Akdeniz University; 2018-05-18)
Burke’çü anlamda yüce, şiir kişisinin, doğada gördüğü tekil nesnelere odaklanıp bu nesnelerin arkasında yatan bütüncül metafizik yapının izlerini görebilme ya da doğada görülen nesneler aracılığıyla aşkınlığı deneyimleme çabası olarak tanımlanabilir. Bu deneyim aynı zamanda modernitede, ampirizm ve pozitivizm ile birlikte ortaya çıkan insan ve doğa kategorilerini epistemolojik bağlamda sorunsallaştırır çünkü ikisi arasında oluşmuş kopukluğu gidermeye hizmet eder. Bu bildiri odak noktası ...
Citation Formats
E. Derviş Öztürk, Ernest Hemingway: Yazma Üzerine. 2019.