Heat Exchangers

Güvenç Yazıcıoğlu, Almıla
Aylı İnce, Ülkü Ece
Gülben, Gizem
Kakaç, Sadık
Comprehensive Energy Systems provides a unified source of information covering the entire spectrum of energy, one of the most significant issues humanity has to face. This comprehensive book describes traditional and novel energy systems, from single generation to multi-generation, also covering theory and applications. In addition, it also presents high-level coverage on energy policies, strategies, environmental impacts and sustainable development. No other published work covers such breadth of topics in similar depth. High-level sections include Energy Fundamentals, Energy Materials, Energy Production, Energy Conversion, and Energy Management.


Energy Packet Networks With Energy Harvesting
Gelenbe, Erol; Ceran Arslan, Elif Tuğçe (2016-01-01)
We investigate the cooperation among energy prosumers (unified energy provider and consumer) through the energy packet network (EPN) paradigm, which represents both the flow of work that requires energy, and the flow of energy itself, in terms of discrete units. This paper details a stochastic model of EPNs, which is inspired from a branch of queuing theory called G -networks. The model allows us to compute the equilibrium state of a system that includes energy storage units, energy transmission networks, a...
Solar PV power plant site suitability assessment by gisbased mcdm methodology in Beypazarı-Ankara
Dikmeoğlu, Berrak; Süzen, Mehmet Lütfi; Department of Geodetic and Geographical Information Technologies (2019)
Energy is the principal requirement of humankind and the major challenging subject is to utilize clean energy sources. Majority of the worldwide energy demand is met by fossil fuels which are finite and will eventually terminate. To provide a sustainable future and handle the growing effects of climate change, clean energy sources are becoming crucial worldwide. Solar energy draws attention due to being one of the most low-priced, infinite and environmentally friendly renewable energy resources. The purpose...
Energy quality management and low energy architecture
Björk, Folke; Kılkış, Şiir; Molinari, Marco (2012-12-31)
This paper puts forth energy quality management as the stepwise process of taking care of the quality of energy better. Energy quality can also be expressed as exergy, which measures the useful work potential of a given amount or flow of energy. Energy quality management is particularly useful to reduce the primary energy use in the built environment. This is achieved by reducing the heating and cooling demand, making use of passive building techniques, exploiting local renewable sources, and utilizing effi...
Electromagnetic scattering analysis and design of sandwich type radomes
Şerefoğlu, Mehmet Murat; Dural Ünver, Mevlüde Gülbin; Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (2009)
In this thesis work, importance of radome structures for antenna systems is emphasized. Structural and electromagnetic requirements of various types of radome structures are analyzed and specific properties are given. Electromagnetic scattering analysis of sandwich type radome seams has been done. Total antenna system far electromagnetic field expression, which is the combination of original antenna far electromagnetic field and the scattered electromagnetic field of the framework of the sandwich radome str...
Energy performance of smart buildings: simulating the impact of active systems and passive strategies
Tetik, Buğra; Elias Özkan, Soofia Tahira; Department of Building Science in Architecture (2014)
Energy efficiency is one of the most important attempts in the world because of various environmental, economical and developmental aspects of energy. In this context, energy performance of buildings has been a critical issue since buildings constitute approximately half of total energy consumption. The concept of smart building which has been attractive recently, contributes to the issue with smart technologies; while some passive design techniques which have been used throughout the history are still appl...
Citation Formats
A. Güvenç Yazıcıoğlu, Ü. E. Aylı İnce, G. Gülben, and S. Kakaç, Heat Exchangers. 2018, p. 69.