Comparing Cognitive Development of Children Residing in Institutions Group Homes Care Villages and Foster Care in Turkey

Ceylan, Suzan
Çeviker, Gizem
Ertekin, Zeynep
Taşfiliz, Duygu
Kazak Berument, Sibel


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Theory and practice of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) in early childhood education (ECE) is still an emerging issue in all over the world. ESD practices should be integrated into existing ECE programs considering the role of eco-school program and preschool teachers at all levels of education both in nationwide and worldwide. Eco-schools program is one of the best practices representing ESD in formal education system. In addition, early childhood teachers either working at eco-preschools or not...
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Due to global climate change, lakes in Mediterranean climate face the problem of reduced precipitation and enhanced evaporation along with increased water abstraction for irrigation that are largely causing changes in water level, salinity and nutrient dynamics. In this study 22 Turkish shallow lakes were investigated in the Mediterranean climate zone. All lakes were sampled with a well-established snapshot sampling protocol. There are 19 lakes, which were sampled once during both spring and summer seasons ...
Citation Formats
S. Ceylan, G. Çeviker, Z. Ertekin, D. Taşfiliz, and S. Kazak Berument, “Comparing Cognitive Development of Children Residing in Institutions Group Homes Care Villages and Foster Care in Turkey,” 2015, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: