Some remarks on Turkish anchovy surveys



Some remarks on a theory of labor
Mücen, Barış (null; 2011-09-11)
Some remarks on massey products, tied classes and the lusternik-schnirelman category.
Pamuk, Mehmetcik; Ozan, Yıldıray; Department of Mathematics (2002)
Some remarks on vector-valued integration
Kadets, Vladimir; Shumyatskiy, Boris; Shvidkoy, Roman; Zheltukhın, Kostyantyn; Tseytlin, Leonid (2002-02-01)
The paper continues the study of the notion of Riemann–Lebesgue integral, which was introduced before by two of the authors. The result about the convexity of the limit set of integral sums is generalized to the case of weakly-compactly generated spaces. The notion of Riemann–Lebesgue integral is used to introduce new classes of Banach spaces. The properties of these new spaces are studied.
Konya Alaeddin Camisi Yapım Evreleri Üzerine Düşünceler
Asutay Effenberger, Neslihan (Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Architecture, 2006)
The Alaeddin Mosque, which is located on a hill in the middle of modern Konya, is one of the most problematical monuments of the Seljuk Anatolia. It has suffered from several restorations and almost lost of its original substance. Its irregular prayer hall shows the following parts (from east to west): a hypostyle hall, a central unit with a mihrap cupola and a western wing. An U-shaped courtyard, where two kümbets are situated, is positioned in the north side of the prayer hall. In addition, some wall frag...
Some Observations on the Middle Byzantine Church Outside the East Gate at Iasos
Serin, Ufuk (Macchiaroli, 2005-01-01)
Citation Formats
A. C. Gücü, “Some remarks on Turkish anchovy surveys,” 2015, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: