Parental Involvement in Motor Skill Development of Children



Parental involvement and developmentally appropriate practices: a comparison of parent and teacher beliefs
Demircan, Hasibe Özlen; Erden, Feyza (2015-02-01)
The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between developmentally appropriate practices (DAP) and parental involvement beliefs of preschool teachers and the parents of preschool children. Data were collected from 279 teachers and 589 parents via a demographic information questionnaire, Teachers' Beliefs Scale [Jones, L. D., Burts, D. C., Buchanan, T. K., & Jambunathan, S. (2000). Beginning prekindergarten and kindergarten teachers' beliefs and practices: Supports and barriers to developm...
Parental Influences on Students' Self-Concept, Task Value Beliefs, and Achievement in Science
Senler, Burcu; Sungur, Semra (Cambridge University Press (CUP), 2009-05-01)
The aim of this study was twofold: firstly, to investigate the grade level (elementary and middle school) and gender effect on students' motivation in science (perceived academic science self-concept and task value) and perceived family involvement, and secondly to examine the relationship among family environment variables (fathers' educational level, mothers' educational level, and perceived family involvement), motivation, gender and science achievement in elementary and middle schools. Multivariate Anal...
Parental attachment anxiety and avoidance predicting child s anxiety and academic efficacy in middle childhood
Sümer, Nebi; Harma, Mehmet (2015-01-01)
Previous work has documented that attachment security is systematically linked with child adjustment and academic competence. This study aims to examine the associations between parents' own report of anxious and avoidant attachment and their children's report of trait anxiety and academic self-efficacy in math and Turkish literature courses. Mothers (N = 1539) and fathers (N = 1436) from four cities in Turkey, separately completed the measures of attachment orientations, and their children (N=1877), attend...
Parental acceptance-rejection, locus of control, and social support in Turkish adolescents
Büyükaşık Çolak, Canan; Gençöz, Tülin (2012-01-01)
Parental attitudes and ego identity status of Turkish adolescents
Cakir, SG; Aydin, G (2005-12-01)
This study investigated the differences among 403 middle adolescents regarding Marcia's four identity statuses in terms of perceived parental attitudes and gender. The Extended Objective Measure of Ego Identity Status (EOM-EIS-2) and Parental Education Scale (PAS) were used to collect data. Results showed that children of authoritative parents scored significantly higher on identity foreclosure than those of neglectful parents. Children of permissive parents scored significantly higher on identity foreclosu...
Citation Formats
I. Hürmeriç Altunsöz, “Parental Involvement in Motor Skill Development of Children,” 2009, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: