METUWIND Gateway A Science Gateway for the METU Center for Wind Energy



METU MEMS Research and Applications Center (METU-MEMS)
Akın, Tayfun(2013-11-30)
MEMS activities at METU have been continuing since 1995 in the framework of a number of national/international projects, including NATO-SfS (TU-MICROSYSTEMS), US NSF, COST, FP6 (AMICOM), and several national projects. During these projects, a wide variety of sensors and devices have been developed, such as pressure sensors, CMOS infrared detectors, accelerometers, gyroscopes, humidity sensors, temperature sensors, frost sensors, biosensors, energy harvesters, and various RF MEMS componentsIn 1998, METU took...
METU OpenCourseWare Project
Kubuş, Okan; Arı, Fatih; Çağıltay, Kürşat; Gürbüz, Tarkan; Akteke Öztürk , Başak (null; 2008-11-01)
METU Instructional Technology Support Office Accelerating Return on Investment Through e learning Faculty Development
Gürbüz, Tarkan; Akteke Öztürk, Başak; Kubuş, Okan; Çağıltay, Kürşat (null; 2008-03-01)
The changing conditions caused by the social, economical and technological parameters are forcing higher education institutions to maximize their investments in instructional technology equipment, facilities, and training in order to provide new learning experiences for students. However, these investments can only be valuable for the faculties if conscious actions are taken to improve the use of instructional technology in educational settings. Most of the leading universities recently started to provide I...
METU JFA Guide for Contributors
Yazı Kurulu (Middle East Technical University, 2008)
METU MMDS An Intelligent Multimedia Database System for Multimodal Content Extraction and Querying
Yazıcı, Adnan; Yılmaz, Turgay; Gulen, Elvan; Koyuncu, Murat; Sert, Mustafa (2016-01-04)
Managing a large volume of multimedia data, which contain various modalities (visual, audio, and text), reveals the need for a specialized multimedia database system (MMDS) to efficiently model, process, store and retrieve video shots based on their semantic content. This demo introduces METU-MMDS, an intelligent MMDS which employs both machine learning and database techniques. The system extracts semantic content automatically by using visual, audio and textual data, stores the extracted content in an appr...
Citation Formats
Ç. Kocair, C. Şener, and İ. H. Tuncer, “METUWIND Gateway A Science Gateway for the METU Center for Wind Energy,” 2015, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: