Fuzzy Multivariate Auto-regression Method and its Application

Şişman Yılmaz, Arzu
Alpaslan, Ferda Nur
This carefully edited book presents examples of the successful application of Intelligent Systems techniques to practical problems. The invited contributions, written by international experts in their respective fields, clearly demonstrate what can be achieved when AI systems are used to solve real-world problems. The book covers the field of applied intelligent systems with a broad and deep selection of topics, such as object recognition, robotics, satellite weather prediction, or economics with an industrial focus. This book will be of interest to researchers interested in applied intelligent systems/AI, as well as to engineers and programmers in industry.


Regularity and stochasticity of nonlinear dynamical systems
Akhmet, Marat (Springer, 2017-06-01)
This book presents recent developments in nonlinear dynamics and physics with an emphasis on complex systems. The contributors provide recent theoretic developments and new techniques to solve nonlinear dynamical systems and help readers understand complexity, stochasticity, and regularity in nonlinear dynamical systems. This book covers integro-differential equation solvability, Poincare recurrences in ergodic systems, orientable horseshoe structure, analytical routes of periodic motions to chaos, grazing ...
Boundary value problems for higher order linear impulsive differential equations
Uğur, Ömür; Akhmet, Marat; Taşeli, Hasan; Department of Mathematics (2003)
The theory of impulsive di®erential equations has become an important area of research in recent years. Linear equations, meanwhile, are fundamental in most branches of applied mathematics, science, and technology. The theory of higher order linear impulsive equations, however, has not been studied as much as the cor- responding theory of ordinary di®erential equations. In this work, higher order linear impulsive equations at xed moments of impulses together with certain boundary conditions are investigated...
Functional Differential Equations with Piecewise Constant Argument
Akhmet, Marat (null, 2017-06-01)
This book presents recent developments in nonlinear dynamics and physics with an emphasis on complex systems. The contributors provide recent theoretic developments and new techniques to solve nonlinear dynamical systems and help readers understand complexity, stochasticity, and regularity in nonlinear dynamical systems. This book covers integro-differential equation solvability, Poincare recurrences in ergodic systems, orientable horseshoe structure, analytical routes of periodic motions to chaos, grazing ...
Reinforcement learning control for autorotation of a simple point-mass helicopter model
Kopşa, Kadircan; Kutay, Ali Türker; Department of Aerospace Engineering (2018)
This study presents an application of an actor-critic reinforcement learning method to a simple point-mass model helicopter guidance problem during autorotation. A point-mass model of an OH-58A helicopter in autorotation was built. A reinforcement learning agent was trained by a model-free asynchronous actor-critic algorithm, where training episodes were parallelized on a multi-core CPU. Objective of the training was defined as achieving near-zero horizontal and vertical kinetic energies at the instant of t...
Intelligent learning system for online learning
Serçe, Fatma Cemile; Alpaslan, Ferda Nur; Jain, Lakhmi (2008-10-01)
The paper presents an Adaptive Intelligent Learning System (AILS) designed to be used with any Learning Management System (LMS). The adaptiveness provides uniquely identifying and monitoring the learner's learning process according to the learner's profile. AILS has been implemented as a multi-agent system. The agents were developed as JADE agents. The paper presents the learning model, system components, agent behavior in learner scenarios, the ontologies used in agent communications, and the adaptive stra...
Citation Formats
A. Şişman Yılmaz and F. N. Alpaslan, Fuzzy Multivariate Auto-regression Method and its Application. 2004.