Supporting Teachers as They Develop Technology based Lessons for Geometry Instruction



Supporting Preschool Children's STEM Learning with Parent-Involved Early Engineering Education
Ata-Akturk, Aysun; Demircan, Hasibe Özlen (Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2020-08-01)
This study examines the development of a STEM-based (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) and parent-involved engineering design curriculum for early childhood education and investigates its design principles and contributions to children's STEM-related learning. This research utilized a design-based research methodology broken into three main phases (preliminary research, prototyping, and assessment). The data were gathered over a 2-year span, and the curriculum was designed and revised durin...
Supporting Teachers in the Design and Implementation of Group Formation Policies in MOOCs: A Case Study
Sanz-Martinez, Luisa; Er, Erkan; Dimitriadis, Yannis; Martinez-Mones, Alejandra; Bote-Lorenzo, Miguel L.; Er, Erkan (2018-01-01)
Collaborative learning strategies, which can promote student learning and achievement, have rarely been incorporated into pedagogies of MOOCs. Such strategies, when implemented properly, can boost the quality of MOOC pedagogy. Nonetheless, the use of collaborative groups in MOOCs is scarce due to several yet critical contextual factors (e.g., massiveness, and variable levels of engagement) that hamper the group formation process. Therefore, there is a need for supporting MOOC teachers in the design and impl...
Supporting the Academic Success of Underprepared College Students at an English Medium Instruction (EMI) University
Tekir, Serpil (2021-09-10)
Supporting students probabilistic reasoning through the use of technology and dialogic talk
Kazak, Sibel; Fujita, Taro; Wegerif, Rupert (2014-04-17)
Supporting students' knowledge and skills in information technology security through a security portal
Ciftci, Nilay Pancar; Delialioğlu, Ömer (2016-11-01)
This study aims to investigate the initial perceived knowledge and skills of high school students in information technology (IT) security and the effect of an online security support tool, the Security Portal (SP), on students' perceived knowledge and skills in IT security. The SP is a website designed and developed as an extracurricular learning tool to improve high school students' knowledge and skills in IT security. An exploratory research design with descriptive and inferential statistical analysis was...
Citation Formats
D. Akyüz, “Supporting Teachers as They Develop Technology based Lessons for Geometry Instruction,” 2009, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: