Structured membranes for water treatment

Lammertınk, Rob Gh
Çulfaz Emecen, Pınar Zeynep
Nıjdam, Wıetze
Wesslıng, Matthıas


Structured membranes
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Patterned microfiltration membranes for crossflow yeast filtration
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Structured mixed fungal cultures for single cell protein production from cellulosic substrates.
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Stabilized FEM solution of MHD duct flow with conducting cracks in the insulation
Tezer, Münevver; AYDIN, SALİM TUTGUN (2023-05-15)
In this paper, the numerical solution of the fully developed liquid–metal magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) flow is given in a rectangular duct under an external oblique magnetic field with no-slip and insulated walls containing crack regions. The coupled MHD flow equations are transformed first into decoupled convection–diffusion equations in terms of the velocity and induced magnetic field. Thus, we apply the SUPG stabilization in the finite element method (FEM) solution procedure for high values of Hartmann numb...
Citation Formats
R. G. Lammertınk, P. Z. Çulfaz Emecen, W. Nıjdam, and M. Wesslıng, “Structured membranes for water treatment,” 2008, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: