İktidarın Mimar-Öznesinden Devrimci Siyasi-Özneye: Yaratıcılık Miti, Burjuva İdeolojisi ve Devlet Aygıtları – Kısa Değinmeler…


İktidar: Kişiler-arası, Organizasyonal ve Global Boyutları (MIT) (Prof. Susan S. Silbey)
İktidarın gösteriş mekanı
Gür, Berin Fatma; Altan, Tomris Elvan ( TMMOB Mimarlar Odası Ankara Şubesi, 2015-05-01)
İktisatta Mill'ci Gelenek.
Akdere, Çınla(2014-12-31)
Keynesian And Neoclassical Closures In An Agent-Based Context
Gibson, Bill (Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi (Ankara, Turkey), 2008-6)
Since the “closure debate” of the 1980s it is well known that comparative static derivatives in analytical macro models are highly sensitive to the closure rule selected. This led Keynesians to conclude that Keynesian closures were superior to those favored by the orthodoxy and vice versa. It is argued that with the advent of agent-based or multi-agent systems, the closure debate is superseded. While elements of both Keynesian and neoclassical models survive the transition to the more synthetic environment,...
State as an institution of the economic process : an inference from Karl Polanyi
Çelik, Necati; Özveren, Eyüp; Department of Economics (2010)
This thesis is build up on the idea that state could be described as an institution of the economic process, which imbues it with certain degree of endurance and protects it from the instability and uncertainty of the free markets. If this idea could be proved,then the mainstream tendency to exclude state from the realm of economics and leave the governance of the economic process solely to self-regulating markets will appear to be a fallacy based on the myth of liberalism. Only after this could be achieved...
Citation Formats
G. A. Sargın, “İktidarın Mimar-Öznesinden Devrimci Siyasi-Özneye: Yaratıcılık Miti, Burjuva İdeolojisi ve Devlet Aygıtları – Kısa Değinmeler…,” Arredemento Mimarlık, pp. 78–80, 2017, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: https://hdl.handle.net/11511/72849.