“Nineteenth Century Ottoman Women Writers”



‘No one is superior to another’: intercultural competence development through a year-long international exchange program
Çiftçi, Emrullah Yasin; Karaman, Abdullah Cendel (2018-08-30)
This qualitative study explored the case of a language teacher candidate who demonstrated high levels of (inter)cultural capital prior to her study abroad period. Focusing on her intercultural competence (IC) development, as part of a year-long study abroad program, we aimed to reveal developmental patterns related to IC. The study relied on two influential models for analysis of six interviews: Bennett (1993) and Deardorff (2006). Findings revealed that the participant displayed a closer alignment with eth...
“That’s a grand story:” Reading J. M. Synge’s The Playboy of the Western World as a postnational allegory
Çimen, Rıza; Ünlü Çimen, Esra (2022-06-01)
The concept of “national allegory” formulated in Fredric Jameson’s work on the third-world literatures has been the subject of much critical debate, especially in the context of postcolonial studies. The dispute surrounding the term is closely tied to Jameson’s controversial suggestions such as the view that “all” third-world literary texts inevitably fall into the category of “national allegory”. The “nation” in this sense provides the main conceptual framework out of which literary texts imbued with “alle...
“The Autobiography of My Mother: Narrative as an Access to Post/Colonial Trauma”
Yıldız Bağçe, Hülya (2017-05-12)
“The Ankara Tumuli: Lasting urban remnants of a historical landscape”
Aral, Hacer Ela; Güneri Söğüt, Gizem Deniz (2021-08-30)
Evidence shows that Ankara was first founded as a Phrygian city beneath today’s traditional city center. Phrygians migrated from Thrace to Anatolia around 1200 BCE , settled in the northern and western Black Sea regions and then moved to Central Anatolia where they established their own cities. The Phrygian cultural zone covered extensive lands in the middle-western Anatolian plateau. Ankara was part of a system of Phrygian settlements located along the water courses in the Inner Anatolia. As the characteri...
“Background to the national refugee regime in Turkey,”
Yıldırım, Onur (null; 2017-07-05)
Citation Formats
H. Yıldız Bağçe, ““Nineteenth Century Ottoman Women Writers”,” 2007, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: https://hdl.handle.net/11511/73267.