Inflation Targeting and Financial Stability Stock Market Reaction To Policy Adoptation

Firuze, Bölükbaşı
Danışoğlu, Seza


Inflation targeting and financial dollarization: an empirical investigation
Gökten, Selin; Özmen, Erdal; Department of Economics (2008)
This study investigates the implications of financial dollarization for inflation targeting framework. To this end, monetary policy rule, inflation targeting performance and international reserves equations are estimated for twenty four inflation targeting countries with different levels of financial dollarization. The results based on the panel data estimations indicate that monetary policy rule and behavior of accumulating international reserves are affected by the degree of financial dollarization. Furth...
Inflation Targeting in South Africa Friend or Foe of Development
Cömert, Hasan (2011-06-01)
In this study we focus on the South African experience with inflation targeting. We make two major claims in this paper. First, the South African experience with inflation targeting before the crisis was not successful, not in terms of advocates’ self-stated goals and certainly not in terms of key, ultimate real sector goals such as lower unemployment and higher economic growth. Second, as in a number of other countries, the SARB policy regime as well as its rhetoric about monetary policy significantly chan...
Inflation Stock Returns and Real Activity in Turkey
Sarı, Ramazan; Soytaş, Uğur (2005-05-01)
Inflation across income groups: the case of Turkey
Çelik, Duygu; Parmaksız, Ömer Kağan; Cömert, Hasan; Department of Economics (2020-10)
This study, covering the period from 2004 to 2018, investigates the inflation differentials across income groups and the determinants of group-specific inflation in Turkey. We use the micro-data from the Household Budget Survey and consumer price data to calculate group-specific inflation rates. We find that inflation differentials across income groups vary throughout time in Turkey. Lower-income groups have higher inflation exposures in first half the period under investigation, especially between 20...
Monetary Policy and Long Term Interest Rates
Cömert, Hasan (null; 2011-01-05)
Citation Formats
B. Firuze and S. Danışoğlu, “Inflation Targeting and Financial Stability Stock Market Reaction To Policy Adoptation,” 2009, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: