Pre-service middle school mathematics teachers’ graphic representations in derivative

Demiray, Esra
Işıksal Bostan, Mine


Pre-service middle school mathematics teachers’ interpretation of statements regarding proof by contrapositive
Demiray, Esra; Işıksal Bostan, Mine (2017-02-05)
Pre-service middle school mathematics teachers’ pedagogical content knowledge regarding the area of triangles
Bilik, Aslı; Işıksal Bostan, Mine; Department of Elementary Science and Mathematics Education (2016)
The purpose of this study was to investigate pre-service middle school mathematics teachers’ pedagogical content knowledge on the concept of the area of triangles. In this respect, pre-service teachers' pedagogical content knowledge with respect to students' possible misconceptions/ difficulties regarding the area of triangles and the strategies that pre-service teachers employed to overcome these misconceptions/difficulties were examined. To conduct an in-depth investigation regarding the purpose of the st...
Pre-Service Middle School Mathematics Teachers’ Views About Analogies
Erbasan, Elçin; Duran, Nur Banu; Işıksal Bostan, Mine (2019-07-13)
Pre-service elementary mathematics teachers’ self-regulated learning strategies within the context of their teaching practices
Kurt, Gönül; Çakıroğlu, Erdinç; Haser, Çiğdem; Department of Elementary Education (2011)
The current study seeks to investigate pre-service elementary mathematics teachers’ (PEMTs’) self-regulated learning (SRL) strategies within the context of their teaching practices in the field work. It was aimed to explore the SRL processes and strategies of four PEMTs while preparing mathematics lessons at their practice schools. In addition to PEMTs’ SRL strategies, the changes and adaptations through their teaching practices and reasons of those changes were also examined in the study. In total 22 pre-i...
Pre-service Mathematics Teachers’ Understanding of Rate of Change Throughout a Model Development Sequence
KERTİL, MAHMUT; Erbaş, Ayhan Kürşat; Çetinkaya, Bülent (2022-01-01)
© 2022, National Science and Technology Council, Taiwan.This study examined a cohort of middle school pre-service mathematics teachers’ understanding of the rate of change as they engaged in a model development sequence. By adopting a design-based research perspective, a model development sequence on the concept of rate of change has been designed and implemented as part of a mathematical modeling course for pre-service teachers. The data were collected from twenty senior year middle school pre-service math...
Citation Formats
E. Demiray and M. Işıksal Bostan, “Pre-service middle school mathematics teachers’ graphic representations in derivative,” 2017, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: