Benefication of Etibank Beyşehir barite deposits.

Başaran, Birol


Benefication of complex "yellow ore" of Rize-Çayeli.
Cingöz, Nedim; Department of Mining Engineering (1972)
Beneficiation of Divriği iron ore fines.
Akdoğan, Güven; Department of Mining Engineering (1987)
benefication of a copper silicate ore from Boğazlıyan, Yozgat.
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Benefit-Cost Analysis of Reforming the Turkish Social Insurance Institution for the Self-Employed (Bağ-Kur)
Gümüş, Erdal (Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi (Ankara, Turkey), 2006-12)
The purpose of this study is to estimate social benefits and social costs associated with a Feldsteinian-type gradual privatization of the Turkish Social Insurance Institute for Self –Employed Persons, “BK”. Based on data provided by the International Labor Organization, financial projections of the institution were made and extended to apply benefit-cost model of privatization. Present value of the change in net social benefit was estimated. The effect of privatization on representative individuals has als...
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Özkan, Miray; Günay, Baykan; Department of City and Regional Planning (2008)
This thesis is the study of the 19th century arcades in Beyoğlu. The aim is to explore the interrelation between the arcades of Beyoğlu and their surrounding urban structure in both of their formation and transformation processes, and to find out the possible contributions of arcades to the transformation and recentralization process of Đstanbul. The individual stories of the arcades as well as the socio-economic and political conditions are studied to find out the formation and transformation processes. Th...
Citation Formats
B. Başaran, “Benefication of Etibank Beyşehir barite deposits.,” Middle East Technical University, 1982.