Contemporary gender rules: A cross-cultural comparison.

Sczesny, Sabine
Nater, Christa
Rudman, Laurie
Lohmore, Akanka
Malayeri, Sa
Sakallı, Nuray
Saxler, Franziska
Gustafsson Seden, Marie


Global Literature and ‘Cultural Authenticity’
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Contemporary women's activism in engendering the political agenda : a case of legal reform in Turkey
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The main aim of this study is to investigate the tools of the women̕s activism which are used in transforming the gender equality agenda in Turkey in terms of legislative reform. To illustrate and study of the tools of women̕s activism descriptively, a case study on the women̕s activism for legislative reform in Turkey is conducted. The findings of the research verified the research thesis that women̕s activism that occurred after 1980s and institutionalized during 1990s was incredibly influential in transf...
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Gökçek, Esin Soydemir; Sargın, Güven Arif; Department of Architecture (2011)
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Modern Architecture in the Middle East: Beyond Tradition and Development
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There are good reasons to reject absolutism about truth not only for theoretical (chiefly, semantic) purposes but also in connection with the issues of cross-cultural communication and understanding. In explaining the neorealist approach, an analogy given by Alvin Goldman is employed and it is maintained that despite its difficulties Goldman account is on the right track vis-a-vis truth and the ontological matters related to it.
Citation Formats
S. Sczesny et al., “Contemporary gender rules: A cross-cultural comparison.,” 2019, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: