Geç Osmanlı Anadolusu’nda devlet memurları ve kamusal düzen bozukluğu

20. yüzyıl başı Anadolu’su hakkındaki roman, hikaye, anı ve gazete metinleri gibi anlatılarda Anadolu’nun içinde bulunduğu yoksulluk, hastalık ve geri kalmışlık sarmalına kamusal düzendeki bozukluk da ilave edilir. Bu bildiride bu anlatılarda ortaya konulan kamusal düzen bozukluğunun yaratılması ve sürdürülmesinde devletin rolü tartışılacaktır. Anadolu’nun Ladik, Bünyan ve Ünye gibi farklı kasabaları hakkında derlenen Osmanlı arşiv belgelerine dayanılarak, başkentin toplumsal ve siyasal kamusal düzenini korumak için Anadolu’nun İstanbul’un istenmeyen kişileri için sürgün yeri olarak kullanılmasının ve merkez tarafından atanan kaymakam ve hakim gibi kamu görevlilerinin yaptığı kanunsuz ve ahlaksız uygulama ve davranışların var olan kamusal düzen bozukluğuna nasıl katkı verdiği üzerinde durulacaktır.
Osmanlı Anadolu’sunda Toplumsal ve Kültürel Yaşam, (12 - 13 Aralık 2018)


Twentieth-Century Russian Poetry, Reinventing the Canon (Book Review)
Pamir Dietrich, Ayşe (2018-07-01)
Through an examination of the dramatic developments in Russian culture and society brought about by the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991 this book aims to redefine the 20th- century Russian poetic canon. Comprised of thirteen articles, Twentieth-Century Russian Poetry, Reinventing the Canon, developed from a series of workshops at which contributors gathered to share their ideas and discuss how they might develop their work for publication. The first article, “Introduction: Twentieth-Century Russi...
Tsar and God" and Other Essays in Russian Cultural Semiotics (Review)
Pamir Dietrich, Ayşe (2013-07-01)
This book pertains to the fields of literary studies, social history, cultural history and politics. The book is comprised of a collection of essays by experts in the field, such as B.A. Uspenskij and V. M. Zhivov. The book was translated from Russian by Marcus C. Levitt, David Budgen and Liv Bliss and edited by Marcus C. Levitt. It is published by Academic Studies Press in 2012. The book consists of six articles. The title of the first article is “Tsar and God: Semiotic Aspects of the Sacralization of t...
Stalinism at War, 1937-49, the Soviet Union in World War II (Book Reivew)
Pamir Dietrich, Ayşe (2023-01-01)
This book, organized in nine chapters, is about World War II and Stalin’s policies. Chapter 1 discusses whether the Soviet Union was ready to confront the assault of a modern, industrialized army; mass warfare; the question of how important the different stages of World War II were in the lives of ordinary citizens, whether Stalin’s totalitarian state adequately prepared the country for World War II; the deportations; and the Great Purges of 1937–1938 that eliminated many of the most capable and sophistica...
Representations of children in Kemalettin Tuğcu’s novels
Arıcan, Ebru; Erdoğan, Necmi; Department of Media and Cultural Studies (2006)
This thesis is an attempt to analyze the narrative structure of Kemalettin Tuğcu’s novels for children that became popular in the 1960s and the 1970s. It examines the representations of childhood, adulthood, orphanhood, richness and poverty in Tuğcu’s books through the relations between the child and the adult and the rich and the poor. The poor orphan child that is portrayed especially as “savior” and virtuous is the main character of Tuğcu’s novels. Socio-cultural hierarchies are represented primarily thr...
Reading Backwards An Advance Retrospective on Russian Literature (Book Review)
Pamir Dietrich, Ayşe (2022-01-01)
This collaborative work is an anthology of writings by Gogol, Dostoevsky and Tolstoy and a retrospective analysis of their works. They focus on anticipatory plagiarism in Russian literature by using an ‘advance retrospective’ approach. In the first part, there are two articles dedicated to Gogol. In the first article, Langen argues that Gogol borrowed ideas from the Irish writer Flann O’Brien and the Russian experimentalist Sigizmund Krzhizhanovsky. He discusses Gogol’s Testament, his visual secretics that...
Citation Formats
E. Boyar, “Geç Osmanlı Anadolusu’nda devlet memurları ve kamusal düzen bozukluğu,” Ankara, Türkiye, 2018, p. 32, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: