Survival of Construction Companies in Crises through Process Based Management

Ulubeyli, Serdar
Şahin, Selim
Kazaz, Aynur
Birgönül, Mustafa Talat
Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Construction in the 21st Century (CITC-8), (27 - 30 Mayıs 2015)


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During a disaster, multiple infrastructures such as power, water, or telecommunications networks may face disruptions in their services. Services of these infrastructures are vital in the aftermath of a disaster to facilitate search-and-rescue activities, relief transportation, and restoration efforts. Furthermore, the operations of these infrastructures may depend on receiving services from others, resulting in an interdependent network structure. In the aftermath of a disaster, damages on the network segm...
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Citation Formats
S. Ulubeyli, S. Şahin, A. Kazaz, and M. T. Birgönül, “Survival of Construction Companies in Crises through Process Based Management,” presented at the Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Construction in the 21st Century (CITC-8), (27 - 30 Mayıs 2015), Thessaloniki, Grece, 2015, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: