Representation of Outcome Ambiguity: Experimental Evidence



Representations of Personality Disorders Beliefs on Interpersonal Circumplex Model
Akyunus, Miray; Gençöz, Tülin (2016-06-01)
Cognitive Theory and Interpersonal Circumplex Model explaining cognitive and interpersonal patterns of personality disorders (PD) are well established in personality literature. The main objective of the study is to investigate the representations of personality beliefs defined by Cognitive Theory on the Interpersonal Circumplex space and to integrate these two models. Analyses were conducted with 962 adults of a community sample (302 men, 660 women) after the participants who are on psychiatric treatment o...
Representation of Topological Building Information for Creating Shortest Evacuation Paths During Building Emergencies
Guven, G,; Ayhan, M,; Ergen, E,; Sonmez, T,; Kurc, O,; Erberik, Ma; Birgönül, Mustafa Talat (2012-10-19)
In case of a disaster or an emergency (e.g., earthquake) in a facility, fast evacuation of the occupants is crucial. But the complex indoor environments of buildings (e.g., tall and large commercial buildings) negatively affect evacuation.Moreover, buildings are often threatened by multi-hazard situations, such as post earthquake induced hazards, enforcing the responders and occupants to deal with more than one emergency at a time. To perform effective evacuation, response teams require some information abo...
Morone, Andrea; Özdemir, Özlem (Wiley, 2012-04-01)
Different from previous experiments that used three representations of uncertain information for probabilities: best estimate, interval and sets of probabilities, we use visual display to represent different levels of uncertainty through varying amount of probabilistic information provided to subjects. Results confirm that the individuals willingness to pay is higher when a larger amount of information is available. Further, individuals are found uncertainty averse for high probability of gain and uncertain...
Inference of personality using social media profiles
Ateş, Ümit; Taşkaya Temizel, Tuğba; Department of Information Systems (2014)
People have an inherent need to express themselves to other people in the community by sharing their experiences, ideas, activities, and memories. As a means, they mostly prefer to use social media such as Twitter, Facebook, personal blogs, and wikis. Many people consistently contribute to such social media platforms by writing their own experiences, sharing photos and status. The majority of shared content is personal information. There are studies in the literature which make use of shared social media co...
Interpretation of Uncertainties in Rainfall-Runoff Relations
Yanmaz, Ali Melih (2000-11-01)
Citation Formats
Ö. Özdemir, “Representation of Outcome Ambiguity: Experimental Evidence,” 2007, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: