Regulatory Impact Assessment of Implementing the EU Persistent Organic Pollutants Regulation in Turkey

Kirhensteine, Ilona
İmamoğlu, İpek
Erdogdu, Sinem
Futo, Peter
Holoubek, Ivan


Regulatory measures to reduce natural hazard impacts and local seismic attributes in planning decisions: the case of Fatih district in İstanbul
Ertan, Pınar; Balamir, Murat; Department of City and Regional Planning (2009)
Urban risks have been questioned since the 1999 events in Turkey confirming that local seismic attributes are primary indicators for urban risk management. During the past decade tools and frameworks for global disaster risk management have shifted the priorities from emergency management to pre-disaster risk management and demand new tasks from urban planning. Security and resilience in local, national and global levels becomes a shared accountability which brings in a prominent role to the planning discip...
Regulatory approaches for cyber security of critical infrastructures: The case of Turkey
Karabacak, Bilge; Özkan Yıldırım, Sevgi; Baykal, Nazife (2016-06-01)
Critical infrastructures are vital assets for public safety, economic welfare and/or national security of countries. Today, cyber systems are extensively used to control and monitor critical infrastructures. A considerable amount of the infrastructures are connected to the Internet over corporate networks. Therefore, cyber security is an important item for the national security agendas of several countries. The enforcement of security principles on the critical infrastructure operators through the regulatio...
Regulatory leaching tests for fly ash: A case study
Egemen, E; Yurteri, C (Elsevier BV, 1996-02-01)
In many countries throughout the world, fly and bottom ashes originating from coal-fired thermal power plants are declared as wastes requiring special care during reuse and disposal. In this regard, a number of toxicity tests have been developed to assess the metal leaching potential of ash residues. In this study, fly ash samples obtained from the Catalagzi thermal power plant, located on the northwestern coast of Turkey, were subjected to toxicity tests such as the extraction (EP) and toxicity characteris...
Regulatory Framework in Sludge Management: Examples from around the World
Sanin, Faika Dilek; Erdinçler, Ayşen; Çokgör, Emine; Kentel Erdoğan, Elçin; Alagöz, Aylin; Pehlivanoğlu Mantaş, Elif; Şener, Gülsevim; Saygılı, Gülhan (2014-05-26)
Regulatory Framework in Sludge Management: Examples from Around the World
Sanin, Faika Dilek; Erdinçler, Ayşen; Çokgör, Emine; Kentel Erdoğan, Elçin; Alagoz, A.; Pehlivanoglu-Mantas, E.; Sener, G.; Saygili, G. (2014-04-01)
Treatment and disposal/beneficial use are the most important aspects of municipal sludge management. Particularly, the application guidelines and limit values for treatment systems and the major disposal routes including landfilling, land application and incineration are covered in the legislations. This study aims to review the legislations about municipal sludge treatment and disposal from different counties such as Turkey, USA, EU, Canada and South Africa. Evaluations show that the current legislations p...
Citation Formats
I. Kirhensteine, İ. İmamoğlu, S. Erdogdu, P. Futo, and I. Holoubek, “Regulatory Impact Assessment of Implementing the EU Persistent Organic Pollutants Regulation in Turkey,” 2015, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: