Exploring Non Native English Teachers Professional Development Practices

Korkmazgil, Sibel
Seferoğlu, Gölge
One-shot professional development activities designed and accomplished without considering teachers’ needs are generally reported to fail to lead to long-lasting changes in terms of teacher growth and learning. Therefore, professional development programs need to be based on the immediate needs of teachers, and designed and directed with teachers’ input. In this regard, this study aims to investigate a group of English as a Foreign Language (EFL) teachers’ professional development practices in Turkey in order to examine their perceived needs, professional development tools they use, and challenges they face. Data were gathered from 98 non-native English Speaking Teachers (NNESTs) working in Turkish state schools through the survey instrumentation. The results indicate that many of the EFL teachers were currently engaged in PD activities, but these activities were mostly the in-service seminars or workshops which were considered mostly obligatory. Furthermore, the perceived PD needs were found to be related to “improving classroom management skills”, “using technology”, “applying the FL national standards”, and “building awareness of target culture”


Professional development of teachers in PISA achiever countries: Finland, Estonia, Japan, Singapore and China
Tonga, Funda Eda; Eryiğit, Sümeyra; Yalçın, Fatma; Erden, Feyza Tantekin (2019-11-11)
The role of teachers in education is widely acknowledged in educational studies that routinely find that quality of teaching is fundamental to student success. Accordingly, this study set out to examine and describe the professional development of teachers in countries where students perform better in the PISA assessment, namely, Finland, Estonia, Japan, Singapore, and China. Data were obtained from primary sources and compared using Bereday's method. The general structure and systems used for professional ...
Investigating the Impact of Long-term Professional development through Teacher Evaluation
Oktay, Özlem; Eryılmaz, Ali (Nesibe Aydın Education Inst, 2020-9-8)
Educational reform efforts support professional development (PD) programs for teachers as a means to establishing possible outcomes that may affect changing teacher practices, student learning, and impact on economic and educational foundations. PD programs require evaluation in order to appraise their effectiveness, and seeking participant opinion following program implementation is one such valid method. The aim of the current study is to determine in-service physics teachers' evaluation about the impact ...
Effectiveness of professional development activities for EFL teachers
Gedik Bal, Nur; Savaş, Perihan (2017-06-15)
Problem Durumu In the field of ELT, the effectiveness of teaching has been evaluated by examining the teachers’ performances and characteristics for years. However, there has been no consensus on the definition of the attributes of an effective EFL teacher. Many studies have included both students’ and teachers’ perceptions of an effective EFL teacher and even though certain terms have been accepted, it is still debatable. Furthermore, even though the main goal of many pre-service teacher education programs...
Seize the Moment: Turning Local Contingencies into LearningOpportunities
Balıkçı, Gözde; Seferoğlu, Gölge (2019-04-10)
Facilitating learning opportunities for learners is a complex task for teachers involving careful decision making skills in the natural flow of the classroom interaction. For pre-service language teachers in their first contact with learners in practice teaching, this task can be even more challenging. While studies on successful language teachers who open up learning opportunities for their learners in classroom interaction might be found in the literature, studies on missed learning opportunities are not ...
Investigating the decision-making skills of cooperating teachers and student teachers of English in a Turkish context
OSAM, ÜLKER; Balbay, Seher (Elsevier BV, 2004-10-01)
Research on decision-making skills of teachers has indicated the importance of experience. Also, occupational culture has been found significantly related to teachers' thinking and behavior in the class. This study investigates in what aspects experienced teachers (cooperating teachers) and less experienced teachers) (student teachers) differ when making instant decisions on diverting from their lesson plans as they teach, and what cultural/institutional influences can be related to these differences. The d...