The Aesthetic evolutons

Erişen, Serdar


The aesthetic evolutions
Erişen, Serdar (null; 2016-07-24)
The dialectical philosophy reasoning on the secular though it creates its own oppositions. Mannerist shifts, as novelties in art, are affected according to the external changes as well as the internal stimulations of the mankind for the future, which address to discuss the difference between avant—garde aesthetic movements and aesthetics as discipline. Depended on some periodization and categorization of different attitudes, the discussion is to clarify the relation between avant—garde aesthetic movements a...
The Concepts of (dis)pleasure and pain in Nietzsche and Foucault
Karatekeli, Emre; Turan, Şeref Halil; Department of Philosophy (2016)
This thesis seeks to problematise Nietzsche’s and Foucault’s interpretations of the feelings of pleasure, displeasure, and pain. For this purpose, I firstly bring under discussion Nietzsche’s treatment of the feelings in question on a physiological and a cultural level, by dealing with The Will to Power and On the Genealogy of Morality, respectively. In this part of the study, I examine the issues of, inter alia, the critique of the overvaluation of consciousness, the ineluctable yet predominantly forgotten...
The Postmodern
Korkut Naykı, Nil (2008-11-01)
The Design from Nature Towards the Order of the Power of Global
Erişen, Serdar (null; 2016-06-17)
The Spaces of Sublimation Moda İstanbul
Erişen, Serdar (2016-12-17)
Citation Formats
S. Erişen, The Aesthetic evolutons. 2018, p. 350.