Building constructing and exhibiting in Turkey :the republican public works exhibition

DoCoMoMo international Journal


Building energy management a case study in METU library
Atilla, Yüksel; Oskay, Rüknettin; Department of Mechanical Engineering (1995)
Building for women's education during the Early Republican period in Turkey: İsmet Paşa Girls' Institute in Ankara in the 1930S
Gürol, Pelin; Altan, Tomris Elvan; Department of History of Architecture (2003)
This study attempts to examine the architecture in Turkey during the Early Republican period as part of the social, economic and political context of the modernization process of the newly founded state, focusing on the case of the Ismet Pasa Girls̕ Institute in Ankara. Firstly, the education of woman in general and the Girls̕ Institutes in particular are scrutinized in order to analyze the changes in the social role of women in the context of modernization in the Early Republic. Secondly, the relationship ...
Building Marshall Plan in Turkey: the formation of workers’ housing question, 1946-1962
Karataş Başoğlu, Sıla; Cengizkan, Ali; Department of Architecture (2015)
This thesis aims to analyze the formation of workers’ housing question at manpower, topographical, morphological and habitual scales with regard to the ideological, political, economical, cultural and institutional programming of Americanization in Turkey within the scope of the financial and technical assistance programs of the Marshall Plan accompanied by the praxis of the United Nations. Based on the premise that the Marshall Plan engaged in workers’ housing production and architecture culture in Turkey ...
Building Archetype Characterization Using K-Means Clustering in Urban Building Energy Models
İşeri, Orçun Koral; Gürsel Dino, İpek (2022-01-01)
© 2022, Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd.Population growth in cities negatively affects global climate problems regarding environmental impact and energy demand of building stock. Thus, buildings should be examined for energy efficiency by reaching acceptable internal thermal comfort levels to take precautions against climate disasters. Although building energy simulations (BES) are widely used to examine retrofitting processes, the computational cost of urban-scale simulations is high. The use of machine ...
Building regulations with a historical outline and legal orders and the developments about housing in Ankara during the republic period.
Gökçe, Altan; Department of Architecture (1982)
Citation Formats
M. H. Zelef, “Building constructing and exhibiting in Turkey :the republican public works exhibition,” DoCoMoMo international Journal, pp. 54–61, 2006, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: