Professional development through technology integrated problem solving From Intermath to T Math

The ability to integrate technology into instruction is among the characteristics of a competent mathematics teacher. Research indicates that the vast majority of teachers in Turkey believe the use of computers in education is important, but have limited knowledge and experience on how to use technology in their instruction. This paper describes the T-Math project (, which adapted the InterMath ( knowledge base for mathematics teachers in the United States and developed relevant resources for professional development of Turkish mathematics teachers to guide them in constructing useful strategies for their students while developing as expert mathematics teachers. Examples of mathematical investigations adopted and developed in the T-Math project are presented as well as the anticipated challenges and subsequent strategies for integration.
The Mathematics Educator


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Multimedia Design and Development
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Putting technological, pedagogical, and content knowledge (TPACK) in action: An integrated TPACK-design-based learning (DBL) approach
Baran, Evrim; Uygun, Erdem (2016-01-01)
Design-based learning (DBL) has been considered a useful approach in teacher education because of its emphasis on the investigation of technology integration problems in design processes. Despite recent interest in understanding how technological, pedagogical, and content knowledge (TPACK) translates to action, limited research exists on how TPACK is developed within DBL contexts and what principles of DBL can be applied to TPACK development. To address these critical gaps in the literature, an approach was...
Citation Formats
A. K. Erbaş and E. Çakıroğlu, “Professional development through technology integrated problem solving From Intermath to T Math,” The Mathematics Educator, pp. 35–46, 2006, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: