Contextual Problems as Conceptual Anchors?: A Study of Two Classrooms .

Reınke, Luke
Ayan, Rukiye
Casto, Amanda
Stephan, Mıchelle


Contextualism versus universalism? Rorty and Habermas on truth and rationality
Unat, Oya; Ergüden, Akın; Department of Philosophy (1993)
Contextualization How it works on NOS views and NOS teaching of pre service science teachers
Çakıroğlu, Jale; Akerson, Valeria (2016-04-17)
Contextualizing young learners' English lessons with cartoons: Focus on grammar and vocabulary
Arikan, Arda; Taraf, Hayriye Ulas (2010-02-08)
This study examined the effectiveness of authentic animated cartoons in teaching English to young Turkish learners. In this experimental study using pre and post-test design, a comparison is made between instruction based essentially on traditional grammar and vocabulary teaching and one that made use of authentic animated cartoons. Thirty 4th grade pupils studying in a private school took part in the study. The control group (n= 15) followed a traditional grammar-based syllabus for four weeks while the exp...
Contextual Feature Analysis to Improve Link Prediction for Location Based Social Networks
Bayrak, Ahmet Engin; Polat, Faruk (2014-10-01)
In recent years, people started to communicate, interact, maintain relationship and share data (image, video, note, location, etc.) with their acquaintances through varying online social network sites. Online social networks with location and time sharing/interaction among people are called Location Based Social Networks (LBSNs). Link prediction in social networks aims at predicting future possible links for representing the real life relations better. In this work, we studied the link prediction problem an...
Contextual analysis of nationalism discourse in Turkish historical adventure movies (1965-1980)
Çakır, Dilek; Şen, Mustafa; Department of Sociology (2019)
This study aims to present a contextual analysis of nationalism discourse in Turkish historical adventure movies which were made as film series (Tarkan, Karaoğlan, Malkoçoğlu, Kara Murat and Battal Gazi) between 1965 and 1980. To provide the necessary theoretical basis, Gramsci’s theory of ideology together with critical discourse methodology is applied. As such, this study conceptualizes a non-reductionist and contextual understanding of ideology in order to show the dynamic relation between cinema, politi...