Serratia marcescens'e ait kitinaz A geninin tütün bitkisine aktarılması.



Synthesis of Ferrocenyl Substituted Aziridines
Zeytinci, Serhat; Doğan, Özdemir; Department of Chemistry (2006)
Immobilization of tyrosinase enzyme was performed in the matrices obtained via copolymerization of terephthalic acid bis-(2-thiophen-3-yl ethyl) ester (TATE) with pyrrole. During electrochemical polymerization of pyrrole, enzyme molecules were entrapped in the copolymer matrice. Activity measurements were performed by using Besthorn̕s Hydrazone method which includes spectrophotometric analysis of quinones produced by the enzyme. Enzyme electrodes were characterized in terms of maximum reaction rate (Vmax) a...
Terra Nova: An Integrated Landscape Art Program
Prigann, Herman (Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Architecture, 1997)
One of the main problems that we have with landscape today, is the far-reaching suppression of our co-responsibility for its condition. What is needed is a revision of our attitude to nature and landscape because when the object of interest is destroyed, the basis of this interest is also eliminated. Here, nature is defined neither as a thing nor as an assembly of things. It is not external or internal, it does not surround us, it is not available, it can neither be destroyed nor loved. Nature is a word wit...
Polymerase chain reaction (pcr) for detection of borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato
Duman, Zeynep; Gözen, Ayşe Gül; Department of Biotechnology (2007)
The present study aimed detection of a human pathogen B. bugdorferi sensu lato species in suspected Lyme borreliosis (LB) patients in Turkey by PCR analysis and supportive serologic tests. The 152 clinical samples (140 serum and blood, 10 cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), 1 synovial fluid, 1 skin biopsy specimens) from 140 patients sent from 22 different cities of Turkey to The Spirochetal Diseases Diagnosis Laboratory of Central Veterinary Control and Research Institute were analysed. Serum samples were subjected...
Synthesis of ferrocenylidene cyclopentenediones
Köktürk, Mustafa; Zora, Metin; Department of Chemistry (2005)
2-Arylidine-4-cyclopentene-1,3-diones are known to be antitumor agents. Incorporation of the essential structures of such compounds with a ferrocene moiety instead of an aryl group could provide subtances with enhanced antitumor activities since some ferrocene derivatives have already proved to be active against a number of tumors. Thus, we have investigated the squarate-based synthesis of 2-ferrocenylidene-4-cyclopentene-1,3-diones. Upon thermolysis, 4-hydroxy-4-ferrocenylethynyl-2-cyclobutenones, prepared...
Ferrosen sübstite pirolidin türevlerinin asimetrik sentezi
Doğan, Özdemir; Öner, İmdat(2003-02-01)
Ferrosen sübstite pirolidin türevlerinin asimetrik sentezi dietil çinkolu ortamda kiral azometin yilidlerin elektronca fakir dipolarofillere 1,3-dipolar halkasal katılma yöntemi kullanılarak başarı ile gerçekleştirilmiştir. Kiral azometin yilidler glisin sultamın ferrosenkarboksialdehit ile su çıkararak birleşmesi ve imin tautomerleşmesi yöntemi ile oluşturulmuştur. Halkasal katılma tepkimelerinin hepsi ferrosen sübstite pirolidin türevlerini oldukça yüksek regio ve diasteroseçicilik ile makul verimlerde ol...
Citation Formats
G. Özcengiz, H. A. Öktem, and A. M. Yücel, “Serratia marcescens’e ait kitinaz A geninin tütün bitkisine aktarılması.,” 2009, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: