A critique of Neo-Liberal Policies and Post Modernist Planning Strategies and Perspectives: The Case of Turkey



A Critique of the histories of European and Ottoman States: "from modernization revisionism" and "State tradition" towards an alternative reading
Hasdemir, A. Seven; Aytekin, Erden Attila; Department of Political Science and Public Administration (2011)
In this thesis two “western modern state” and three Ottoman “state tradition” scholars (Gianfranco Poggi, Christopher Pierson, Şerif Mardin, Metin Heper and Çağlar Keyder) are elaborated in the way how they write the the history for their theorization attempts. The specially emphasized processes in these histories are asserted to be reconstructed as the sources of an “idealized”-type that is assumed to be fulfilled by “the West” and should also be followed by “the rest”. The description of this form of a st...
A critical analysis of the Arab Spring: Case studies of Tunisia and Egypt
Abdulsattar, Tammam Omer; Aydın, Zulkuf; Political Science and International Relations (2015-9)
Arab Spring is a political concept that spread widely in the media and academic art publications. This concept is used as an indication to a wide range of uprisings in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region during the past two years; which started in Tunisia and swept through Egypt, Libya, Bahrain, Yemen, and Syria. However, when looking closely at what happened, we see that there is a misusage of the concept of Arab Spring in describing the uprising. In its current usage the concept does not have a...
A systematic critique of formal democracy in light of radical democracy: towards re-politization of the people
Akkın, İbrahim Okan; Parkan, Barış; Department of Philosophy (2011)
In light of the notions of freedom, legitimacy, equality, autonomy, plurality, publicity and action in the philosophies of Rousseau and Arendt, it can be seen that formal democracy, having ceased to be the expression of the sovereignty of the people, fell into a legitimacy crisis and has become a system which makes the people apolitical. Behind these problems, there are many reasons like the ethical deficiency of the monetarist system, deputies’ abuse of authority and tyranny of the majority. The facts in q...
A Critical Analysis of High-Rise Housing Blocks: The Case of South-Western Ankara
Pala, Elif Ecem; Basa, İnci; Department of Architecture (2023-1)
Due to the rising population and developing technology, the number of high-rise buildings is growing worldwide. These buildings, with mixed-use, office, or residential functions, are the symbols of so-called power and prestige at the same time. In this trend of high-rise buildings, residential ones are significant with their profound social and architectural impacts. In Turkey, high-security luxury buildings above a certain height that serve their residents with the logic of a hotel are called "reside...
A critique of liberal-conservative approach to poverty in turkey: the cases of deniz feneri association and social assistance and solidarity general directorate
Açar, Onur; Kalaycıoğlu, Hediye Sibel; Department of Sociology (2009)
20th century witnessed fundamental changes in capital accumulation regime and mode of regulation. The whole set of advanced capitalist countries and developing countries witnessed these changes in different forms depending on their historical cultural background. These fundamental changes also brought about transformations of the welfare regime of countries which constitutes the important fundamental component of a mode of regulation. This study developed a criticism of rising liberal-conservative approach ...
Citation Formats
H. Ç. Keskinok, “A critique of Neo-Liberal Policies and Post Modernist Planning Strategies and Perspectives: The Case of Turkey,” 2007, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: https://hdl.handle.net/11511/76884.