Contamination risk assessment for the aquifer in the K. Menderes River Basin, İzmir, Turkey



Contamination risk assessment for groundwater of the Kucuk Menderes River basin, Izmir, Turkey
Pusatli, OT; Camur, MZ; Yazıcıgil, Hasan (2000-04-01)
A new water management plan is needed for the Kucuk Menderes River basin in Turkey, due to increasing water demand and decreasing quality of the groundwater. Vulnerability, quality and risk assessments were performed using a hybrid model containing both hydrogeological and hydrochemical parameters for managing irrigation waters in the basin. The relative contamination (quality) distribution of groundwater at present was established using an irrigation water quality index. The distribution shows the contamin...
Quality assessment of armourstone for a rubble mound breakwater (Sinop, Turkey)
Topal, Tamer (Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2004-10-01)
Helaldi is a fishing town in the central Black Sea region where construction of a rubble mound breakwater is being planned. The construction of the breakwater requires good quality durable armourstone. Several laboratory tests are performed for the quality assessment of the two potential armourstone, namely, limestone and sandstone. The quality evaluation of the stones is done on the basis of CIRIA/CUR criteria, saturation coefficient, wet-to-dry strength ratio, and the rock durability index. The quality ev...
Reliability-Based Risk Assessment of Rubble Mound Breakwaters Under Tsunami Attack
Ergin, Ayşen (2002-09-01)
In the reliability-based risk assessment, the second order reliability index (beta II) method and the Conditional Expectation Monte Carlo (CEMC) simulation were utilised in order to analyse the safety levels of Haydarpasa Port main breakwater, Sea of Marmara, Turkey. The failure probability was forecasted in the beta II method by approximating the Hudson performance surface with a second-degree polynomial having an equal curvature at the design point where the design and structural parameters were taken int...
Quality Assessment of Backfill Performance for anUnderground Iron Mine in Turkey
Yardımcı, Ahmet Güneş; Karpuz, Celal; Öztürk, Hasan (null; 2016-09-14)
A hybrid underground mining method is selected for Karacat iron orebody located mid-south east of Turkey. For production levels at higher elevations above 1497, sublevel stoping with stope dimensions of 10 x 25 m is proposed. Below this level, production is planned to proceed with 5x5m cut & fill stopes. Production sequence is arranged for primary and secondary stopes in the sublevels of upper levels. Rock mass properties for the orebody and host rock units were characterized by geotechnical investigations....
SAYDAM, AC; SALIHOGLU, I (Informa UK Limited, 1991-01-01)
Citation Formats
Ö. T. Pusatlı, M. Z. Çamur, and H. Yazıcıgil, “Contamination risk assessment for the aquifer in the K. Menderes River Basin, İzmir, Turkey,” 2000, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: