Humanitarian Logistics Pre Positioning of Relief Items in Istanbul

Duran, Serhan
Yakıcı, Ertan


Humanitarian logistics : pre-positioning of relief items in Istanbul
Konu, Ayşe Sinem; Duran, Serhan; Department of Industrial Engineering (2014)
In this study, we address mission planning for aerial reconnaissance and surveillance platforms. In Aerial Surveillance Problem (ASP), an air platform with surveillance sensors searches a specified number of rectangular areas once by covering inside of rectangles in strips and turns back to base where it starts. This study proposes methods to solve ASP with two conflicting objectives, minimizing distance travelled and maximizing minimum probability of target detection. Computational results show that the pr...
Humanitarian Logistics: Advanced Purchasing and Pre-Positioning of Relief Items
Duran, Serhan; Keskinocak, Pınar; Swann, Julie L (Springer, 2013-01-01)
Humanitarian intervention: the evolution of the idea and practice
Kardaş, Şaban; Department of International Relations (2001)
Humanitarian assistance policies of the European Union towards Syrian refugees in Turkey
Çeliker, Cansu; Kale Lack, Başak; Department of Political Science and Public Administration (2018)
This research addresses to the significant gap between rhetoric and practice with regard to the implementation of rights-based humanitarianism in a response to Syrian refugee protection crisis. The research raises the question of why political actors place refugees in an asymmetrical relationship with duty-bearers. In this sense, it draws attention to the complicated three-cornered relationship among securitization policies, liberal economic agenda and needs-based humanitarianism within the borders of domin...
Humanitarian challenges and intervention: World politics and the dilemmas of help
Dagi, ID (SAGE Publications, 1997-01-01)
Citation Formats
S. Duran and E. Yakıcı, “Humanitarian Logistics Pre Positioning of Relief Items in Istanbul,” 2015, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: